Sand and shot?

This question is really for what most bookshelf speakers sit on--the stand. I'm planning on filling a set of stands(24") but just have the sand presently. Do I really need lead shot as well or will the sand be enough. Most reviews I read on speakers mention stands with both. Any help would be most appreciated.
One point which has not been made here is that sand and lead have different absorptive/deadening properties which complement one another. I mix the sand and lead shot together and have found the combo to be very effective.
I have not completed building the stands so I may reconsider adding the shot. I'm also in need of some blu tack for the top plates. The stands come with foam pads but I rather use the blu tack. Anybody have a wad they would like to sell? Also what can I use that is similar that I can pickup at Lowe's. Ahh the pains of a phile :)
Use Blu-tack ONLY! The other "generic" stuff sold in hardware and office supply stores is CRAP...I had to find out the hard way.
I've tried lead and sand and have settled on concrete powder. It's extremely dense and dead for sound. Non toxic and plentiful/cheap.
I used a mixture of sand and shot by filing first with sand and then pouring in the lead.
You can get blu tac or 3m substitute at any hardware or general merchandise store.