Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors/Cremona - Integ Amp


Owners of Sonus Faber Cremona and Cremona Auditors....Can you please help me by letting me know the Integrated Amps (or) Preamp-Amp combo you use in your 2 channel set-up ?

I have owned Cremonas and Auditors together and still have the latter and have used the SF Musica and Pathos Classic 1 Mk2 which were excellent, but by far the most enjoyable for me to date with these two speakers has been the Unison Research Performance intergrated.

There was no problem with the front end or cables when I listened to Rowland and Mac autoformer amps on the same systems. Some people prefer the Rowland sound, IME. I'm not one of them and simply report why and what I hear. And what I describe has been consistent with Rowland in any combination of gear I've heard them in. They carry a distinct signature that apparently resonates with some folks. It is a clean, analytical, clinical sound that works for some. Rowland amplification to me, whether ICE or normal topology, hasn't risen above hifi sound and has lacked tone evident in the acoustics of real instruments. But its sins are of more of omission than commission, to my ears. That is, they do not introduce fatigue factors or obvious distortions. In the overall scheme of things, good amps well made. Compared to Mac autoformer amps, not in the same league by my evaluation.

The Mac when used with the SF Auditors did not bring to life the inner harmonics and detail of good recordings like Patricia Barber Night Club SACD. The Mac lacked weight and had no finesse. The sound was sluggish and thin. The Rowland on the other hand had all of the characteristics I enjoy with tubes in combination with the dynamics of solid state. The sound stage is so true to life it is at times a little spooky. I wonder if Mac owners just like to be able to say the own Mac.