Magnepan lover, which one do you choose?

I have a chance to buy either a pair of used Maggies 2.6r(12yrs old 8/10 condition) and used 1.6QR(2 years old 9/10 condition) as they are the same price or bit cheaper for the 2.6. I still prefer 2.6R because the ribbon. These are the only two models that could fit my room. They have the same power input and output, just different frequency, the 2.6 (37hz-40khz), 1.6 (40hz-24khz). What do you think? Which one is better in sound and sonic?

Thanks for your help.
I have owned a pair of moddified MGlllA and experienced the same problem described by hifiharv but whatever you decide on it is imperative to brace them externally with some kind of speaker stand. I have seen them advertised here in Audiogon but can't recall their name. This will make the biggest imptovement to these speakers outside of changing to a better crossover, caps and the internal wiring.
How would you come the sound of a MGIIIA to a pair of 1.6 Rs or other newer Magnepans. Are the newer models a major or minor improvement over the MGIIIA's which I own.
keep the IIIA and spend your money on other equipment or cds or lps. i own a 1.6 and my friend owns mg iii.

the newer models may be more "articulate" but so what ?
I used to have a pair of MG12 QRSE speakers. Both my wife and i trule loved these speakers.
Yet, some 2 years ago, I was tempted to purchase a pair of Michael Green Classic 60 speakers...
When I sold our Maggies, we serioiusly doubted if those cone speakers could ever match our Maggies.

Do I sound strange if I tell you that I spent 2 years trying to get the a sound that could make my Maggies forget?

Ah, how fruitless. I bough them for a whopping $ 1.800,- from Michael Green Audio.
Although the speakers aren't that bad (and can be yours for the price of a decent offer), they don't stand a chance next to Magnepan.
A couple of months ago, I put them in a closet and bought another pair of MG12 QRSE's.

These will NEVER leave our house!!! Unless Magnepan comes with speakers of this size WITH TRUE ribbon tweeters,
as those tweeters are... YUMMIE! :-)

Kind regards,
