New Company-Daber Audio

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stephen Brown and I have been a hobbyist for 9 years. During that time period I have built many speakers and subwoofers. Today, I officially went into business for myself. My company's name is Daber Audio and I will be offering a full line of high end speakers and subwoofers. The first available product I will have will be my subwoofers. I will have two seperate models, a 10inch powered and a 12 inch powered. If there is interest I will keep everyone updated on the progress and availability, as well as post full specs. I am in the process of getting my website launched, and will update when it is ready. There will be a lot of information on the site regarding upcoming products, features, specs, and company info. Again, I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you as I begin this journey. I think that alot of you will be fairly interested in what I will bring to the table, the design is a bit unconventional with impressive results. In the meantime, before the site is up, if anyone has any questions about what I am doing feel free to email me at

Stephen Brown
Thanks for responding. This should be an interesting journey for sure! I got a kick out of your Q and A there, but my wife didnt think it was so hilarious! Luckily, I havent yet quite my day job, therefore if it doesnt succeed, then I do have something to fall back on, although I'd much rather do something that I LOVE (and am pretty talented at) every day.
It's nice that you are talented regarding speaker construction. Unfortunately marketing and industry connections will have more to do with your financial status than the sound of your product.
Good luck.
I am aware of this, and it will certainly be a hurdle to overcome, however, as they say, "where there is a will, there is a way". I understand that it is not this simple, and it will take a lot of hardwork and dedication. I do look forward to the challenge though.
Stephen, you are starting an audio manufacturing company and still have a wife. Don't worry, that one will work its way out real soon ;-)
Hi Stephen,

Greetings! You have now officially crossed over to the "Dark Side", and I and my fellow minions welcome you.

I am inspired by the success of Ty Lashbrook of Tyler Acoustics. It looks to me like Audiogon has been his primary marketing venue, which has helped him to keep his costs down and value up. He's now gaining recognition in the "big boy" press, namely Stereophile and The Absolute Sound. I presume you'll be marketing directly also - is that right?

As a longtime amateur speaker builder myself (betcha a nickel I've built more bad speakers than you have!), I'm perhaps more fascinated than most with design details. Can you tell me more about your subwoofers? In what areas are you doing something different from the hundred other subwoofer manufacturers that makes yours stand out in performance and/or value?

Care to drop any hints about your upcoming line of speakers, either in design philosophy or perhaps even a few specifics?

Where does the name "Daber Audio" come from? Where are you located?

Best of luck to you and to Daber Audio!
