What don't you like about these speakers?

I will soon be able to audition the following speakers: Von Schweikert VR-2, Gallo Reference 3.1, and the Dynaudio Focus 220. My limit is $3000. I am not going to consider other speakers. I am not going to buy used. I want to support the retail audio shops. I live far enough away that I will have to drive 3 hours to Kansas City to a dealer who has all three set up. These speakers all get rave press and positives here, however, I am interested more in the opinions of those who didn't like them. I have Dynaudio 70s, which I like, but want to step up to an even better speaker. It's easy to get lots of positives, after all, we like what we listen to and have spent good money to buy. If there are specific problem areas, I would be interested to hear about them. Thank you in advance for your replies.
Hi Tgrisham, I currently own the 3.1's and am a former Magnepan 3.6 owner. If you want a little more perspective see my post here, about 4 down:


To address mrtennis, the Gallo's aren't a box speaker in the traditional sense. The mid's are housed in a spherical enclosure without the boxy resonance and it has no baffles. The CDT II tweeter can rival the 3.6 ribbons in sound reproduction, just doesn't have the image height. The Gallo's will spit out detail in some music that seemed veil in the Maggies. Both are very good speakers and could live with either, but overall, I enjoy the Gallo's more.

Remember that the Gallo's require a lot of break-in, similiar to the Maggies. I don't believe that most speakers in dealer show rooms have the hours to break them in unless they purposely break them in. Let's say even if a particular speaker is audition by customers 2 hours a day, at 200-500 break in required, it'll take 3- 5 months to sound their best.
Good luck and have fun.
if you have appropriate side wall treatment you can place magnepan speakers closer to the wall.

i would start out with 14 inches from each side wall and 4 feet from the back wall. since you can't place the speakers 4 feet from the back wall, do what you can. you may have to vary toe in/toe out to achieve the sound you want.

it's too bad we live so far away from each other (i assume).

i'm in the NY area. i would try to help in person if it were feasible.
KkM and Mrtennis,

I really appreciate the sincerity of your responses. I haven't found another forum with so many caring people and so few troublemakers. I will contact my friend and go to his house to audition the Maggies. I will place them in a way to simulate the restrictions in my room. I spent the better part of the day adjusting my Dynaudios and have (again) found out that every speaker has its sweet spot and trial and error is the only way. In fact, I suspect that when I listened to the Focus 220s that they were not ideally placed. They are one of the least expensive speakers in that shop! Anyway, the journey is the destination and the road goes on forever.

Nice summary of the two speakers. Good info in that post...things to listen for when I start comparing speakers.
First, let me say that I heard the Gallos in a suboptimal demo room. That said, I found the bass too lean, the top end a bit overwhelming, if not actually bright, and the imaging wide but not as focused as I like. The sound was punchy, very dynamic. I found it a bit aggressive, unconvincing, and unsuited to listening at low volumes. They're certainly very exciting. And, my negative comments notwithstanding, they're excellent speakers. They just don't match my tastes at all.

I auditioned a pair of Martin Logan Aeons the same day (in a different room) and liked them much better. Wound up getting used Aeriuses, and I love 'em. They like to be about 3' from the front wall and at least 2' from side walls. Warm, fairly extended bass, smooth midrange, huge, well-focused soundstage, superb detail, and they sound very good even at low volumes. My only nit-pick is that the center image is a tiny tad ethereal and doesn't have the stick-a-fork-in-it solidity of my Spica TC-60s, which do that better than any speaker I've heard.

Martin Logan's located in Kansas, and their "Signature" dealer, Audioport, is located in Overland Park, just 10 miles south of Kansas City proper. If you're going to drive all that way, are considering Maggies, and aren't familiar with Martin Logans, you'd do well to check 'em out.