Gallo Ref 3 and CJ Premier 350

I had my Gallos for sale but just got my CJ Premier 350 and pulled my ad out. This amp just makes the Gallos perform at another level and I've only had it for 3 days. Sounding better everyday. I'm not good with words to describe performance but I have decided not to look for another speaker.
I've heard great things about this amp from people who should know. What was your previous amp?
I've had the Bel Canto evo6 and lately butler tdb2250. The butler is good but no comparison to the 350. the 350 of course cost twice as much.
This interests me greatly.Had a pair of REef2's that had good aspects to sound but always kind of sounded "gimmicky".Plus I sold them because Gallo did not have replacement tweeters only two or three years after speaker run ended.Thought that was bad back up/customer service.Now 6Moons and TAS give great reviews and Gallo ads have a dealer saying he's never had a speaker fly out of his place the way the Ref3's have.But another dealer had a pair for sale here on A'gon (must have goten one to see how it would do) and said that Thiel and B&W way outperformed them at price point and couldn't believe the TAS write up.So who's to believe?They must make some impression intially because they have sold but now there are many up for sale.So now maybe they aren't the holy grail we have all been waiting for.Just know that nothing has made as much buzz in years as the Ref 3's and the NHT Xd system.But look how at the Infintiy Prelude which Fremmer gave a great review (if you liked uncollored speakers) and at $10K were the cheapest set of speakers on Stereophiles Class A list at $10K.Now you can pick them up new for a little over half that and used for $3500.But hope that mopre owners respinf about the Gallo 3's and talks about match ups.Some speakers are more sensitive and chnge their sound with diferent amps than others.Are tubes the answer?Or are they a product that make a great firest impression but don't hold up.Find this to be the case when a product (especially speakers) has a markedly "diferent" sound which we intially think is beter but later discover is only different not beter.If you have the Gallo's speak up!