Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?
I meant Acoustic Zen not Audio Zen. Sorry.

I spent most of my time listening to the new Pioneer speakers, the LSA Model 10s in the Walker suite (which I also heard driven by the Exemplar/LSA components), the Evolution speakers, the Zu suite, the room shared by Wally and Acapella, and the Behold suite. I did seek out the Red Dragon and Acoustic Zen as last year they together had outstanding sound.

I agree that the RMAF is a great show and enjoyed the snow on Saturday.
I am going to check out the Adagios at the AZ factory this Friday at the invitation of Robert Lee himself! I am pretty excited! I will report back with what I hear.
Tboooe: That's excellent! I'm a little jealous and look forward to hearing about it.
Tbg: I spent most of my time listening to the new Pioneer speakers, the LSA Model 10s in the Walker suite..the Evolution speakers, the Zu suite...

I'd be interested in a capsule review of the speakers you heard, in particular LSA and Zu. Too bad you missed AZ's.
I too found and enjoyed the Adagio's in three rooms at RMAF this last weekend -- the Modwright & AZ room (1010), the Triode room (1121) and the BPT room (9025). I thought the BPT demo tunes (another delightful, free CD) sounded particularly nice on the Adagio's, even in the less than optimum room acoustics of a show environment.

Dan and Robert were a little chagrined to discover mid-show that there was a signal phase anomoly in one of the Response Audio modified tube power amps (100wpc I believe) which, when corrected, snapped the sound in their room into some of the best at the show (IMHO). Great lesson there -- when in doubt, ignore your eyes and trust your ears!
