Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?
Hi Tomcy6,
I cannot comment on the comparison between the Adagios and Tylers but can comment a bit on the tweeter dispersion. The Adagio uses a unique, exclusive circular ribbon tweeter so it mantains exceptional horizontal and vertical dispersion just as a conventional dome tweeter.
I to have found many conventional ribbon tweeters to sacrifice vertical dispersion, not so with the Adagio!
Thanks for your reply Response34. That's a big plus in the Adagio's favor.
Response 34: I'm driving my Adagios with an Art Audio PX25. It's huffing and puffing with 6 watts. But, in my small room (12.5' X 15.5') it sounds fantastic! There is a limit to SPL's with this setup, and I am shopping for more juice, but I have to find an amp with just as much majic to go with these super-musical speakers. Not easy. Maybe one of these days I can bring myself to name the excellent speakers that the Adagios are running out of my house. They cost a little more than 4X the AZ's. Robert Lee is a genius, but it also must be said that he has been working on these speakers for many years. It also says a lot about him that he got his design right before he put them on the market.
Kmillette.. I can imagine just how emotionally involving the Art Audio is with the Adagio speakers. I have run 8 watt 300Bs with these speakers and..........well, you already know.
Maybe a push-pull 2A3 or 300B will give you the control you need while maintaining that sound you now love. I have runn my 25 watt push-pull 300B mono blocs with them and it was enough to make you melt in your listening chair.
Right now I am running a pair of 60 watt push-pull 6C33 based mono blocs an I think I have found the magical combination. For my taste at least!
Response34, I am running the 6C33C too but in SET with my Almarro 318B (NFB) into the Adagios, the sound is really good, perhaps the sound is a bit on the warm side as the lower midrange is quite pronounced but nevertheless it is extremely musical sounding. (I'd believe the Adagio is a warm speaker)

What we have changed is the input bypass Nichicon Gold caps to BlackGate NX in parallel Super-E config (ie 2 stock caps into 4 BG-NX), Mundorf Supreme and Auricap for coupling.

I chose these as well as Sylvania VT-231 and Tungsol VT-229 because I wouldn't want want to pair the Adagios with a slow, warm, laidback sounding amp. The resulting music is really musical and not the Hifi-ish sound you get from many setups nowadays.

Those 60W of PP power must be great for ya. I think that 18W is still somewhat limiting on some programme, even in my smallish room of about 11x15 feet. I hope to be able to play with stuff like 805 or the GM70 someday, with more amps using these tubes.

PS. I heard really good things on your mods for the MIC tube amps, but I just can't bring myself to spend on the V-CAP teflons! And the Russian Teflons are too big to squeeze in. Sigh.