Coincident with 8 ohm vs16 ohm

I would like to learn if somebody tried the Coincident Total Eclipse speakers with driving the tube amp 8 ohm tap versus 16 ohm tap?
My tube amp has not 16 ohm tap and some folks say Coincident speakers do not perform well with 8 ohm comparing 16 ohm out of amps.
I thank you in advance
I have heard the TEs used with quite a few tube amps including ASL Hurricanes, Canary 339, VAC 30/70 and 70/70, Manley Retros and Neo Classics. The TEs have always sounded excellent with all these amps, regardless of whether they were driven from the 8 or 16 ohm taps (to be honest, I don't even remember which of these amps has a 16 ohm tap). Provided your tube amp is of good quality, I would not worry too much about whether it has a 16 ohm tap.
I'm using VTL monoblocks to drive my Coincident Super Eclipse III, which are similar in impedance and configuration to the Total Eclipse. VTL describes the "optimum load range" of these amps (MB185 Signature)to be 2 - 8 ohms. The Super Eclipses speakers perform excellently when driven by these amps. This past weekend, I hosted two other audiophiles (high efficiency horn men) who wished to hear the Coincident speakers. They expressed great satisfaction with the performance of the Coincident speakers.
As you know, the nominal impedance of the Coincident speakers is high. If the impedance of the loudspeakers was very low, then there would be reason to be concerned about the amp's ability to drive them.
I agree with the conclusion of Cleopatra52.
I have the Super Eclipse III's and can switch my amps between 4 and 8 ohms. The speakers sound better when driven by the amps in their 4-Ohm setting.

Even though the Coincident spec's say the speakers are nominally 14-Ohm speakers--which is probably true, they will actually dip much lower with program material being played.

I love the Supers (I had the original version and upgraded to the III's), but to me they "seem" much closer to an 8-Ohm speaker than any thing else. They will just lap up huge amounts of SS power with bass and dynamics that surprised me. This is usually not the characteristics of a high-impedance speaker.

If you can try between various settings, try them all, and see what you get.