Biamping Questions

Hi All,

I want to biamp my JM/Focal speakers from four out of 7 channels of my Arcam unit. I know there are different ways to do this, but I was wondering if different kinds of speaker wire might be one way to go. For example, are there some speaker wires better for bass and midrange and other brands/types better for treble? Might that produce a good result?

I'd also appreciate any other advice you folks might be willing to give.

Thanks in advance,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
I'm thrilled to hear that SignalCable is good. I've emailed with Frank a few times, and he comes across as a great guy--very knowledgable and helpful.

More thanks to y'all for the input. We'll see what else this thread generates.

Cables are cables, and two runs of 16awg will be fine assuming you stay under 50 feet in length. As long as the capacitance of the cable is low enough to pass the entire signal you will not be able to tell an audible difference regardless of the material used or design of the cable. This topic been posted numerous times, but if you'd like to hear about how the latest 12awg spendo-riffic wonder wire added details, improved imageing, and tightend bass, head over to the cables forum. There are plenty of people that will tell you what you want to hear.
Biamping is a major undertaking. You need to get the crossover frequency and balance between the drivers exactly right. Hard to do without some measuring equipment and a good grasp of the theory. Impossible to do in the average noisy, reflective listening room. The result will however be dramatic and worth the trouble for most reasonably capable speaker systems. Hardly worth agonising over some barely noticable cable twiddling.