Need a review of Tyler's Ref 3's,

That would be his 3 way, W26/W17/T25. There is a chance I may upgrade one day from my Thor's and the only spaeker that intersts me is this 3 way. What I'm hoping for is a subtle deep bass from the W26 acting as a sub but intergrating with the W17 and not overpowering the top end. Can I get an opinion please. Yeah I am obsessed with the Seas and want to have that W26 in my system. The Thors with the dual W17's are nice, no complaints at all. However if I turn up the vol, the mids really come through too strong at times, cressendos in certain classical pieces really makes too much of a presence. But I'm wondering with the Ref3 if I will hear orchestral/mids as less dense with the loss of the added W17 in the Thor. With all things audio you have to give up something to gain something else.
Any ideas?
The Ref. 1 uses 12" Peerless woofers (isobaric) with a second-order crossover at 80 Hz., the W17, and a ScanSpeak Revelator 9900 with a third-order crossover at 2300 Hz. (if I remember correctly). Ty later added a notch filter for the W17. The isobaric design involved elaborate cabinetry, and the smaller footprint of the Ref. 2s--which I believe used two 8" Seas drivers--and later, the Ref. 3's,had enough appeal that Ty dropped the Ref. 1 from the line. In principle, of course, the W17-W26 transition should be smoother. I think that the Millenium is considered a little smoother and the Revelator is considered a bit more detailed.

Thanks, very helpful info. I'm wondering at what point Ty has the W22 crossed at and the W26. I may do better with the Ref3 in the long run, smoother/tighter/deeper controlled bass from the W26 vs the W22.
Bartockfan, I think you just have to listen to the Linbrook Sig Systems with the dual 8" woofers and the Ref 3's. You may discover that the MTM & dual 8" woof's give a smoother integration between bass and midrange than the single mid/woofer of the Ref 3's. In my room I get very smooth and controlled bass down into the 20's with the Sig Systems.

Someone recently reviewed the Sig Systems II (I haven't heard them either) and the comments were generally that the mids and highs were to die for (my words) but the sound in the low mid's (I assume also the upper bass) was a bit less refined. I suspect this may be due to the absence of the 2d mid-range driver which would take some of the load off just one driver, or just perhaps, the reviewer has noticed a bit of warmth in the low mid-range,which in my room exists in the Sig Systems, but I would never have described it as bloat, unfocused, what ever.

BTW, Ty crosses the 8"ers at 160hz.

Thanks New, you are bringing things into clearer focus. I was thinking along those lines, that the Ref3/W26 may not be as seemless as i would like. IOW the...first lets get the speaker names right. Linbrook Sig which I believe is a MTM with added "bass module" a dual 8 inch cabinet. ..I think Ty should rework the names to his speakers, it gets confusing. I now he has a Thor replica, but can't find it on his site. He has the Linbrook Monitors , which is a MTM w/o the tall cabinet, which is the seas' kit called Odin. ...anyway what i am interested in is the 3 way called Systems 2, a 3 way, W22/W17/T25. As you mention the W22 may offer a better seemless image than with the w26.
If I hear the systems 2 and like it, it'll be the first 3 way that I find acceptable. However as i mentioned, its more like a 2.5 design, a MTM sort of.
About my comment on the 3 way design, in my 30 yrs of speaker reviewing, its the midrange that i have always found to offer the most horrible unmusical barking/coughing/hideous image. I've heard quite a few in my lifetime to make a closed book case.
But with this Systems 2, the w17 works as a midwoofer and the T25 picks up the upper midrange.
I really think I found my ideal speaker. But not until I hear how they sound, if Ty has the xover worked correctly so the Seas can "do their thing".
as I'm listening to my Thors, its the amp that is holding these speakers back from full potential, the JOR is a good amp but another amp may kick in a tad deeper solid bass. But then agin the dual W17's seem to be too mid strong and the bass is rolling off at 40 hz, thus timpini's/cellos//tubas are missing depth.
The dual 8's/bass module/Linbrook Sig is too much for my preference.
Comments please.
Ty's MTM's like the Thor are called Taylo 7U's. The shortie is called Linbrook Sig Monitors, which is the Seas's Odin design.
His MTM with dual 8's/one cabinet is called SIGNATURE SYSTEM.