Need a review of Tyler's Ref 3's,

That would be his 3 way, W26/W17/T25. There is a chance I may upgrade one day from my Thor's and the only spaeker that intersts me is this 3 way. What I'm hoping for is a subtle deep bass from the W26 acting as a sub but intergrating with the W17 and not overpowering the top end. Can I get an opinion please. Yeah I am obsessed with the Seas and want to have that W26 in my system. The Thors with the dual W17's are nice, no complaints at all. However if I turn up the vol, the mids really come through too strong at times, cressendos in certain classical pieces really makes too much of a presence. But I'm wondering with the Ref3 if I will hear orchestral/mids as less dense with the loss of the added W17 in the Thor. With all things audio you have to give up something to gain something else.
Any ideas?
Ty's MTM's like the Thor are called Taylo 7U's. The shortie is called Linbrook Sig Monitors, which is the Seas's Odin design.
His MTM with dual 8's/one cabinet is called SIGNATURE SYSTEM.
Just the Linbrook Sig Monitors by themselves are very good, displaying greater articulation and detail than my Norh Mini-9 speakers which use SS Revelator midbass and 9800 tweeter. However, I found that adding the bass modules gives greater image depth, more articulate bass (not just deeper), greater mid-range detail and the system just sounds more effortless with a bigger soundstage.

I've found that the Linbrooks easily show up any change in your system for better or worse.
LInbrooke Sig Monitors = MTM design, W17/T25/W17 = 7 inch midwoofer/Millinium Tweeter/7 inch midwwofer.
But the "bass module" first off may offer more more volume of bass that I want. Most members here are in love with big/huge soundstage. Not me, I always like to keep the speaker at a modest level of sound, the music comes first, the music is always more important than the sound system. The sound system serves the music. But of course the sound system must be on the same level of quality as the music I listen to. Good music deserves good imaging. I always avoid the mediocre and seek out the finest. Always been that way for me.
Now also consider that it will take more a load on the amp to push 2 8 inch woofers than it does just 1 8 inch.
So thats why I'm going with the System design, a single 8, single 7, tweeter.