wilson wp8 v. maxx2

Has anyone heard both wilson watt puppy 8 and wilson maxx 2?
I have the wilson watt puppy 7 and was wondering whether the cost of getting the wp8 is a smart move (wilson has a buy back program but cannot upgrade wp7 to wp8....my guess $10,000).
Alternatively, I could wait and buy a used maxx2 at some point.


p.s. I have a lamm 2,2 amp and emmlabs dcc2 preamp/dac and cdsd transport
Those 5A's are very good, but a totally different sound from the Wilson's as are Quads, Avalon's, Ceramic, B&W's, Sound Labs, Avant Garde, Magapan's etc. How can they be right but different?
i got the pleasure of listening to the 8's this weekend in a room where the a pair of x-2's sat for a few years. i have heard several world class speakers come through this room and the 8's were simply incredible. they dont do anything wrong and do so many things right, that to buy the maxx 2's or even the x-2's would be only because you wanted something more than what the 8's could provide. in my opinion, the biggest difference in making the upgrade to the maxx or the x-2 would be the much elevated price. But, that is what some people need to do in order to feel like they are listening to the best, and if that works for them, who can argue?