Amp for Totem mani 2 for around $1000

I am looking for some suggestions on which Amps would be best to drive my recently purchused Totem Mani 2 which are 4 ohms speakers . I need to keep the cost around $1000. Any info or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Used Creek 5350se integrated. I have two and love them. They can be found used for about $1000, but you have to be vigilant - they are snapped up in a hurry.
Hi...I just bought a pair of Mani 2 Signiture's right from Totem. I did an enormous amount of research on driving them and I have found the most heavenly combination for driving these speakers. These speakers demand extraordinary current. The combination I use is way beyond your price...but therse speakers really reward you when you spend a bit more. PS Audio has a new line of Gain Cell amps and integrated's. I am using the GCA 100 which drives a 2 ohm load easily. Paired with an AE-3 DJH (Cary) preamp gives the best of both world's...and the Mani's love tubes (a tube amp, however, will not drive the bass on these). The GCC 100 Integrated will work great too. Try and find these used, since the Gain Cell was virtually invented to drive a difficult load. An old NAD 2600 amp also did a great job before I put down the long one used and get a decent tube preamp and you will be in sonic heaven I promise.
"(a tube amp, however, will not drive the bass on these)"

Not true, not true, not true.
Thanks for responses , I am now looking into buying a Classe CA-200 which should be around $1050 to $1200 in cost and about 350 watts at 4 ohms.I have previously had a pair of Totem model 1 speakers with a Classe CA-101 and it sounded great but I wanted a speaker that would go lower without a sub. Let me know if you think that the two would be a good match?