Driving Thiels

I have a Forte F55 power amp (100w/ch) with a Forte 44 preamp. Would I be able to drive Thiel CS 3.5s or 3.6s with this? I know the Thiels like power. Are the CS 2.3 or 2.4s any easier to drive--could they be driven with my amp and preamp?


You`re probably under powered by 50% for the 3.6. You should be OK with the 2.3 & 2.4 provided you avoid head banging levels. YMMV.
You can drive virtually any speaker with virtually any amp. The question is how good will it sound. I have heard The 2.6 size Thiel sound really good with a solid (not state) 200wpc amp. Some higher current 100 watt amps, like your Forte should be suitable, but I wouldn't push my luck trying the bigger Thiels, with it.