2 subwoofer???

Hi All,

I've heard that using two subwoofers eliminates many problems associated with having only one. If this is true, can they be any 2, or do they have to be similar or identical subs?

thanks in advance,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
I've gotten great results with matched, dual subs. In addition to a fuller and more natural base, the addition of the second sub has resulted in a wider soundstage, added a bit more clarity to both instruments and voices and contributed to a smoother response in the low to mid-range. My listening room is over 3500 cu. ft. with many openings and a vaulted ceiling that climbs to 13 ft. The second sub has definitely made a difference in this large space. After experimenting with several locations, I concluded that placing both subs along the same wall, with each sub slightly outside of the LF and RF speakers respectively produced the smoothest and most natural sounding bass.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I am restricted quite a bit in where I can place my subs, but I will try to turn them to see how this changes things if at all. My room too is over 3500 cu ft, but my subs seem to have plenty of oomph for it. FWIW, placing audio points underneath made an audible and measurable difference.
In light of all this excellent discussion, I now ask, would going with two smaller subwoofers give me more stable/solid bass so that the two smaller ones would equal or surpass the sound quality/volume/etc. of one larger one.

Example, would two Hsu 10" subs be "better" than one Hsu 12" sub (the exact model numbers escape me right now? Same with two Rel Stratas as opposed to one Rel Storm?

Thanks, as usual, in advance!

In addition to Rusler's question, when running two subs do people here like to run them in stereo or mono?
I run mine in stereo, though mono may work better. I don't have nearly as much free time to play with set-up as I would like. For my pressent room configuration my guess is that mono will work better. Also the crossover point would help dictate this.

Two smaller subs can do more work than one larger sub. mine is set up with three 8" woofers for each side. There is no problem with getting lots of bass. A room of 3,500 cu/ft is fairly large. Finding a high output sub that is also detailed can be difficult. There is a guy selling a pair of NHT Sub2i's right now. I know that these are VERY high output and would fill your room. It is just a question as to personal taste though.