VSA VR4 SR or JR as a match to my system and room

I want to replace my Totem Forests. I'm using a DK MkII with an FMJ23 CDP. My room tends to be brightish (lots of glass and wood) and is about 19x28x14(vaulted - approx 6000+ sq. ft.). My listening tastes are eclectic with an emphasis in Jazz and Classical, but I also like to blast alittle rock now ant then. Would the VR4 SR or JR be a good match?

Other contenders include Proac R38 (there is a dealer near by) and Merlin, but I'm just at the beginning stages of this illness and am open to other suggestions ($5 to $10K range).

BTW, I have wanted to listen to a pair of VSA VR4 SR or VSA VR4 JR's based on comments on the discussion forums. However, living in the Canadian Rockies does not bode well for having access to dealers. I've now sent two E-mails to VSA to find the nearest dealer (e.g., Seattle??)across the last two weeks but have not heard a peep from them. From what I've read, VSA seems to be a good company to deal with; however, my experience is making me wonder. Any comments regarding VSA customer service?


Try Brian at Sound and Cinema in Knoxville. Unless something has changed, he is a dealer -- and not too far away.
Thanks so much 9rw. 2.5 hr drive is definitely worth it. I've been having a hard time justifying a purchase of these speakers having not heard them.
Pneumstized, I have been saying the same thing for weeks now, but everyone ignores my comments. it is kinda of odd, dont you think? what you said is the absolute truth and VSA has left the dealer network high and dry. I know a dealer personally whose rep left VSA because of that reason. He didnt know the whole story until i told him. He recently purchased a pair of SR's through a little sale VSA had a few months ago. Said it was "B Stock" cabinets but it probably was just to drum up some much needed cash flow. VSA isnt saying a thing, they are laying low. Doesnt look good.
I owned the VR-4JRs and have auditioned the VR-4SRs. The SRs are better in that they are more revealing of musical detail than the JRs and go much lower with stronger bass. I think either would work in your room but small to medium sized rooms need not apply.

I’ve never had a problem with VSA customer service. My emails and calls were all handled in a prompt and professional manner. I am sorry to hear that others have had problems.

Speaking as a fan of VSA speakers, you may also want to look into the Consonance M15 speakers. They are an amazing speaker. I feel that they are much better than the VR-4JR and VR-4SR. In my opinion the M15s compete with, and are better than, the VSA DB-99. The M15s are probably the most engaging speakers I have listened to. They really pulled me into the music and made me stop analyzing the sound. All the audiophile stuff is there (imaging, wide/deep soundstage, detail, bass extension, treble extension, etc.) but after the first song or two I stopped focusing on all that. I just listened to the music.

I had a fabulous experience with Brian at Sound and Cinema in Knoxville. He came to my home 2 1/2 hours away and personally did the set up. Very knowledgable, no pressure and believes in careful auditions as well. He sold me my Sr's.