Any ic/speaker cable suggestion Tyler Linbrook

I have the Linbrook Signature (2 piece system) and currently using Analysis Plus Oval 8 speaker cable and Solo crystal ic. It felt like the sound is just too warm for my taste. The bass is there but i cannot appreciate the mids/highs, it felt like its missing. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

My system:
Blue Circle BC3000 MKII preamp
Consonance Droplet CD player
H20 S250 (Signature)
In the FWIW department - I've been using Tylers (1 Piece) Linbrook system for about 18 months - this is not a cold antiseptic sounding speaker, in fact in comparison to earlier speakers I have used, its a bit warm in the upper bass/lower mid-range. I've found the upper mid's/highs very detailed but not bright in any fashion HOWEVER I don't think you get the best out of these speakers without close attention to set up. Listening well off axis in an over dampened room will produce a dullish sound. If you have not already done so try toeing your speakers in so that the axis crosses just behind your head.

The FWIW part - be sure you have maximized set up possibilities before you start changing cables. For the most part cable changes should not result in large changes in frequency response. I don't know enuf about your amp to make a recommendation, but in my experience if you want some speaker cable that will definitely spotlight the mids and highs try some Nordost or some similar type. I use Cardas IC and some short runs of Canare Star Quad but that probably wouldn't work for you.

How are you enjoying your Droplet - I was looking at that with some interest.
Before you try any different cables, I would play around with your speaker configuration a little. Try pointing the speakers straight at you and varying your listening distance. One you get this dialed in, you can start switching out different components/cables/tweaks etc.
Thanks for the reply newbee. I did try using Kimber Select KS 3033 and Zu cable Varial ic (in which i have for my second system Ah Njoe and VS VR2) with great success. I then reorganize my system when we moved to a new house thats why i bought the Analysis Plus because of their price and great review, but i cant seem to get the same result with kimber and zu cable combo. I did break in the cable probably a thousand hrs of playing. As for the droplet, believe what Srajan wrote in his 6moon review, its right on the spot. (I think he used Zu cable in his review).
I do not have the Tyler but the Thos, which uses Seas.
I've noticed the speakers voices clearly the amp in use.
IOW whatever the amp speaks this is what you hear.
Now I'm not sure how the Tyler's are configured, i plan to ordera pr later this yr, early next.
I looked at a photo of the BC3000, interesting looking pre with tubes. However not sure what a H2O amp is. Is this ss? Any link?
Thought about testing other amps?
Cables mean nothing to me, nor interconnects.
The Consonance Droplet is not the weakness in your chain. . That looks to be fine player.