Any ic/speaker cable suggestion Tyler Linbrook

I have the Linbrook Signature (2 piece system) and currently using Analysis Plus Oval 8 speaker cable and Solo crystal ic. It felt like the sound is just too warm for my taste. The bass is there but i cannot appreciate the mids/highs, it felt like its missing. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

My system:
Blue Circle BC3000 MKII preamp
Consonance Droplet CD player
H20 S250 (Signature)
Good for you . as i didn't want us to have different, at least not too different opinions on how the seas' voices the mids and highs, sending mixed message.
With your set up, the bass you get with your Signature2's with dual W22's per channe must be quite an experience. Thats a ton of 35hz bass extention. Dual 8 inch midwoofers per side!!!
Packin a punch.
i only have your upper cabinet W18/T25/W18. Called a Thor, a kit from madisound.
First class set up you got there. Keep us in touch with your system, i'd like to hear how reference cds sound with that speaker.
>>as i didn't want us to have different, at least not too different opinions on how the seas' voices the mids and highs, sending mixed message.<<

Different opinions are not bad are they?
Different opinions are the best thing for open and fair discussions. There were many opinions here and also from Absolute Sound saying how wonderfully awesome were the Spendor 8's. After I heard them, grant it on a aweful big expensive tube amp, were aweful. Not near worth the asking $3100. I didn't like anything about that little 2 way.
Now as to the Seas'/Tyler's. I've owned the Seas for 3 yrs and know this drivers voicing. The mids and highs are spectatular. I base this on 30 yrs in audio auditioning.
Besides many experts agree the Excel tweeter Millinium is well worth the 4180 it retails for. The Excel midwoofers are well known for their vocing characertistics from experts in the field.
Can you find me any report/review of spendor's drivers?
This is what i mean about us differing too widely in our opinions of the Excel's voicing of the mids/highs.
IMHO there's no driver like it. Of course you need the same quality in amp/cdp as the speaker itself.
I own a Jadis. I will admit there is slight beaming in the highs.
But all things taken into consideration, its the best we have. IOW no other drivers beats the Excel. At least not in my experience.
Feel free to disagree. Its an open forum.
How does the Blue Circle mate with the H2O? I am using Henry's Fire. Before you try more expensive cables, try Anti-Cable interconnects, and speaker wire. They are rather inexpensive, but they are radically more honest than almost all other wires.

Oh yes, wires DO make a big difference, when using the H2O. So do power cables. That is because of the amps transparency.

For fun, hold an audio party, and ask everyone to bring a CD player. You will be amazed at how different they really sound from eachother. I have settled on Audio Note.
>>I own a Jadis. I will admit there is slight beaming in the highs. But all things taken into consideration, its the best we have.<<

Who are "we"? Are you implying that Jadis is the best amplifier? If so, that is a very short-sighted view and there are many many folks that will rightfully disagree with it. Jadis is quality stuff, and it may be the best you've heard, but it hardly sits at the top of the mountain.