Loudspeakers that go LOUD?

I recently finished off a basement room that is 24.5' x 22.5' x 8'. My beloved Tyler Linbrook Monitor Signatures sound as wonderful as ever there provided I reign in the volume control somewhat, otherwise the SEAS Excel 7" drivers start to protest. I'd really like to find some speakers that wont give up too much in quality, especially in the areas of treble refinement and in imaging, but will play loud without strain. The few horn systems I've heard sounded peaky in the treble to me, but perhaps there are some which don't. Suggestions will be gratefully received.

Parameters: For music I am into classical, opera, female vocalists like Eva Cassidy and Jennifer Warnes, movie sound tracks, shows, golden oldies, but no heavy rock or metal. Power is via a 50 watt/channel tube amp but that could be changed out. Budget: on the order of up to $3K new or used.
I personally think it is your amp that is the problem. Not enough power nor enough control over the bass.
My $0.02
Don't know those Tylers, but the ones I heard were 3 way monitors . Firstly it's not inherently a true monitor character to play at high SPLs. Your room isn't that huge there are an infinite number of speakers that will sound good at 90-100 decibels. What volume were you trying to achieve? Get some big floorstanders with a big amp and I am sure you will find nirvana. Especially ones that have self powered woofers. For regular speakers try the bigger Paradigms in that price range. Not my cup o'tea the bass seems to get a little loose. Or even better try the older NHT foor stander I think they were the 4s, they are more contolled and have better tonal balance. If you need high efficiency there is only one speaker apparently that reproduces sound so close to the original signal that it will require a very long period to acquire a taste for it and you may need a good sub. They have been mentioned so often recently that you know which ones are they are. They are only real speakers you can buy. The rest are miserable excuses for transducers. BTW you may still need a bigger amp and upgrade your sources as well but only if you don't get the only perfect speakers.
Lets see Tyler Signature Monitor, thats Ty's MTM design, W18.T25/W18. I have the Seas Thor, same speaker.
Room is 20X30 cathedral ceiling, open to hall ways on all sides, If i play my reference cds, Mississippi Blues, New Orleans Jazz, Can blow the roof off. Put it this way, the neighbors will complain. Amp "40" watt Jadis. As you know the watt thing is relative.
So I agree with the above 2 comments, its not the speakers. However I will concede some beaming at high volume with the seas'.
But the purpose of these drivers were intended to reproduce music with clear, clean, super high resolution= fidelity, with dynamics and separations of the 3 main fq's, bass, mids, highs.
All objectivers are met with excellence.
Now as to playing super loud, it may fall short on that. But not sure if any speaker plays loud and maintains those qualities mentioned.
I mean if you really want loud and keep to those dynamics, buy a Jadis DA60. There objective met and you get to keep your Ty;ers.
I listen at 1/4th- 1/3rd vol and am completely satisfied.
I use to goa friends house and hear music, he'd paly his Audio resaerch VT200 and pre/Mirage 1's, and Talon Khorus LOUD. I couldn't stand it, what suffering.