Need small speaker for less than $750. Ideas?

Hello All,

I sold my maggies (got divorced 1.5 years ago).
Since that time I have been using Senn 600 headphones.
I have a room mate so my system is in my bedroom.
So I need some bookshelf's or small floor standers.

Looking for a killer monitor.
Things I want:
-true to the music
-lots of texture
-hear the layers of music
-accurate but not fatuging
-neutral (maybe a dash slightly warm)
-good air
-sound stage
-fun to listen too
-human voice is important
-accurate tone
-true to the music - (I said this twice on purpose)

Things I don't need:
-deep bass
-load volume

Please remember I was a maggie owner and loved them.
If I could get anything it would be some Quad 57's.
For bookshelf's if I had the money it would be some Focus Audio 688's, or some Verity Audio's.

What are some others to consider?
I listen to all types of music.
Right now I am thinking some Spender 3/5's.


BTW: Amp is a Blue Circle CS.
Hello Guys.

Thanks for you opinions thus far.
You can see my components under my system.

Basicaly they are:
CEC (parasound) belt driven transport
Wadia 32 dac
Blue Circle CS amp.
with good cableing...

I believe in have good equipment up stream.
The best speakers in the world will not fix a bad source.

I don't have the space for maggies again, or I would get the MMG.
I need monitors or a small floorstander.

Coincident Triumphs. I had some with a 20W amp and it sounded great. Slightly warm, very engaging.

I have a pair of Silverline SR 16s that Alan Yun modified ( he replaced the stock tweeters with those from his Sonata line). They are great monitors but I went to a set of Quad ESL 57s. If you are interested in the Silverline 16s I will make you a good deal but if you have the space keep looking for the Quads. Good luck!
Dynaudio Audience 52 or 52SE if you can find a pair used. Vocals are superb and listening fatigue is not an issue.
My vote goes for the ATC SCM 7. You can usually find them used for about $700-$750. The only caveat with these speakers, is you will need a powerful amp to drive them (84db). They are incredibly detailed. I think they are the best speakers in this price range.
