Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?


I own a pair of the original VR-4’s that I bought from Ambrosia A/V many moons ago. I had them mated with a Sumo Andromeda III for a long time, and they sounded sluggish, and lacked mid-bass impact and dynamics. I lived with them this way for 10 years. I recently bought a new amplifier (Parasound) which really livened up the VR-4’s, but they’re still not a speaker with the dynamics that I crave. I just contacted VR to see if they still offer the VR-4 to VR-5 upgrade, and unfortunately it is no longer available.

At the time I bought the VR-4’s, I auditioned the Dunlavy SC-IV’s, but I simply could not afford them at the time. I even visited the Dunlavy facility in Colorado Springs, and was mightily impressed with the effort that went into these speakers. I now have the opportunity to purchase a pair of the SC-IV’s at a reasonable price, so I’m thinking of “upgrading”.

I haven’t listened to the SC-IV’s in over 12 years, and never was able to compare them side-by-side, so I was wondering if any that has done so could give me a brief overview of the differences. While I like my VR-4’s, I would really like some marked improvement in the areas of dynamics and mid-bass “punch.” The VR-4’s sound too “studio,” and less “life-like” due to their lack of dynamic contrast, and I’m wondering if the SC-IV’s will fill that void.

I would say its time to upgrade to the Dunlavy. The Vr-4's crossover at 120 or so much of the energy that radiates from the woofers on other speakers comes out of the midranges on the schweikerts, this is for low coloration on certain types of music, on rock my soud anemic in that range. instead of going on and on, why not try the dunlavy they make an ecxellnt speaker. Better yet Aerial 10T..
Have you heard the VR4 Gen III HSE? Dynamics up the wazoo...fast...and clean.

A used pair might be a good upgrade from your VR4 without breaking the bank.
Go for it - the SC-IV is a classic in a league of its own, although your VR4's are an excellent speaker too.