LS3/5. What do u think ...the best match

What do y think is the best match (especially about amp and cables) for Rogers LS 3/5?
i cant believe that we have to look for vintage amps to drive LS3/5to their best.....
I've only heard the combo once, because one of my employees owned a set of LS3/5as. We ran them on our S-30. The speaker is an effortless load (16 ohms) so it is very tube friendly. I remember being quite surprised at how well they did bass. And the rest of the range was fine. the S-30 is as big an amp as you want to put on them; the LS3/5s don't take a lot of power.

Have fun!
In response to what figore states,there is an extremely brilliant audioguru who works in Excel HiFi in HONG KONG,he matches his LS3/5a with the Futterman OTL monoblocks,and this is a guy with access to any audio gear he wishes to have.
Isn't Excel HiFi out of business? Seems to me they went out a few years ago. Are they back? The website isn't- that's for sure.