Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Blowen tweeters?

Has anyone else had any problems with blowen tweeters on W/P 7? It has happen to me twice.

In general, and there are always exceptions, tweeters are more apt to be blown by a combination of overloud playing from an underpowered amplifier; the amplifier being driven into clipping and it is the clipping that destroys the tweeter.
I own a pair of Sophia 2s. More than likely your tweeters are ok. There are resistors that protect all of the drivers in Wilson speakers. For the tweeter, the resistors are located on the bottom of the Watt underneath the access panel. You will need to call your local dealer, because these are very specific, and unfortunately expensive resistors. If you are under warranty, they should be covered.
Thanks A'b'guy,for helping get some of these responders straight. A bad tweeter on a Wilson speaker or on any speaker just isn't all that funny; if it happens to be 'your-speaker'. Guess there is no shortage of morons on the board here--?? I know, everybody has a different sense of humor and many of us have different capabilities in spelling but AUDIO should be the #1 focus here;belittling should come in at 1204 or thereabouts.
I just thought Blowen was a company new to me.

Good advice above to contact Wilson. Seems like the obvious solution.

Some of you guys need a beer...yikes.
A beer in the hands of a very insensitive person doesn't help much and I agree with contacting one's dealer. I got Soph'2's as well and this was my most expensive speaker purchase. So; I can relate. I would guess Duanea may be without-- for a while.