Mainstream reviews-why so few?

I have a question as to why certain products, such as the Green Mountain Audio Europa speakers, raved about on audiogon, receive so little mainstream press exposure? Maybe there are several reasons, but I am just curious. Thanks in advance for any comments.
Seandtaylor99 - GMA more forthcoming with measurements??? They publish more data than about any other speaker manufacturer I can think of. Have you looked at their comparison charts on the site? There is a lot of data, including things like dispersion and impedance variation tolerances that damn near nobody in the industry publishes.
I can't tell you how many reviews (and real world comments, for that matter) that I've read that have made reference to the component under review being comparable, or even besting components that are 2-10 times more expensive. Just once I'd like to see a review that says something like, " spite of all the good things I've said here about this product, you can get the exact same performance for 1/5 the price in the WonderWidget Mk. III Silver Anniversary Edition with tube-buffered tubes buffering the tubes that buffer the output stage.... from Taiwan, of course." Where are all these high-dollar products that are so easily bettered by smaller investments and why don't the reviewers make note of them so you folks with expensable incomes can choose between that 300lb turntable, or putting your kid through Harvard...or at least paying their dorm fees. OK, tongue in cheek, but you get where I'm coming from. Actually, I have to hand it to the reviewer in the recent Stereophile who was reviewing the latest Prima Luna combo, for at least hinting at the fact that some folks require lots of audio-bling for their investment, and aren't shy about paying for it. I'll have to look up the exact wording but I thought it was a well-observed point.

" They assigned it to Jonathon Valin. He jumped ship and went to Stereophile taking the Timbre with him." Really? I doubt it.
Kal, You're right. It was Jonathan Scull. The rest can be found in Volume 17 #4. Sorry I got my Jonathans crossed.
client lists are probably the best advertising, IMHO, I never trust reviews....a mixed bag, IMHO.