What's wrong with Velodyne?

I have two Velodyne subs. (HGS-12 and older one) and both have worked great, sound great, etc.

However, my experience with dealers is that they think very lowly of Velodyne and politely recommend staying away from them. One dealer used to carry them and dropped them, another well-established dealer said he though many other brands (some he didn't carry) would be better.

Is something going on here that I am missing? I don't think it's just dealers trying to sell products they carry.
I still think the DD15 I used to have was the best all around sub I have ever owned. Better than the JL Audio 113 I had, and better, albiet much more expensive, all around than my current SVS PC Ultra. I have it set up a bit differently and love the SVS's sound with my Maggies and that's the only reason that I don't switch back to the DD15. I think every Velodyne product I have ever used was excellent.

What subs do they have in house at Magnepan???????
They make a great product, but...

1) "High End" dealers may take issue with the broad sales channel as noted above.

2) The high-tech approach Velodyne uses may conflict with the "simpler is better" purist approach common in some parts of the audiophile community (e.g. the 300b SET crowd).

3) For reasons unknown, Velodyne's paperwork (instruction books, promo lit, etc.) all presumes home theater use. I'm sure it's their biggest market, but this presumption may convince some that the products aren't "high end" enough.

All this is a shame as they (specifically the DD series and SMS-1) are terrific products which are among the very few that will allow a 2 channel system to produce wonderful sounding music in typical, hostile listening environments.
There is nothing wrong with Velodyne - I have had their subs for years and currently have a DD-15 that works amazingly well for both 2 channel and HT in a high-end system. I actually bought it in a dedicated audio store and I would put the DD series up against ANY other subs at any price. They are great subs - do not be put off by dealers with their own agendas.

When I had a service issue with an HGS yeas ago, Velodyne was very helpful and accommodating. If you are having problems finding a Velodyne dealer in your area, try calling Velodyne.
Nothing wrong with the Velodyne DD series at all but the DD15 was not in the same league as the JL Audio F113 from what I heard as well as the dealer. DD18 is a different story however. Can fill a big room but the F113 seemed to be more musical to me. The JL's can really hide themselves. I have never found a ported sub able to hide very well either so these were not for me. I ended up with two F113's but could have easily went with two DD18's.
I hope nothing! I just ordered an Optimum-8 for use in a music only system.

I'm planning on using it to augment a pair of NHT Classic Threes that are -3db @ 45hz. Currently I'm using a $300 Outlaw LFM-2 to do the same and am fairly happy with it but have been thinking of upgrading for a while and some Christmas money made it possible - plus OneCalls price of $999 shipped.

Should be here Thursday!