Monitors Suggestions for my setup

I recently setup a secondary system in my bed room. It is 11x13 with a queen sized bed and a desk. This is going to be a two channel system consiting of components which have been deomoted out of my main rig. It consists of a Onkyo ht Reciver (tx-ds797)(manual says its stable into 4ohms) which retailed for $1000, a pair of old sony speakers from a boom box I used to have and a paradigm ps-1200 sub. I want to replace the sonys with something much better. I listen to all types of music. I currently have paradigm studio 100 v.2's im my main rig and like them but I just want something that sounds different. (I just want to be able to switch between the two systems and get different sounds) I am also looking for something that looks very nice and am willing to spend up to $1000 in the used market. I am really concerned with having smooth mids and highs first and not too worried about bass performance. So far I am considering the Sonus Faber Concertinos, Monitor Audio gr-10 and on the not so pretty side GM Eropas, and NHT sb3. Thanks for any help you can give me.
There are all sorts of used speakers in your price range. I have Celestion SL700s. I would add: SL600s or SL6s, Spica TC50, and any version of the LS3/5a monitor.
Not too many people have heard these but they are one of the best out there. Stone Image Audio Rothschilde A2. They image like stats and have bass like a floorstander. They are incredibly nuetral yet non-fatiguing. They are the best monitors I have heard or owned if you are looking for an exceptionaly musical speaker without being too analytical. They are not just about hifi, they are about music. They are the size and similar look of a Totem Model One but top the One Sigs IMO. I also sold Merlin TSM Ms for the Rothschilde.
My suggestion is also the Green Mountain Europa. It's a very musical speaker and not fussy about amps and cables. The Rothschilde's sound best with tubes and esp. SETs.

There is a guy selling the sonus faber concertinos localy and I can get them and their matching stands for $650. What do yall think about these speakers?
Well I ended up picking up the sonus fabers today, mostly because of the local sale, and I have to say that they sound fantastic. Thanks for all the imput guys.