Linbrook Sig Owners - In Room Bass Extension?

Can anyone comment on the Tyler Linbrook Sigs bass extension in their real world environment? I am considering a pair and would like to know if the published spec of 25Hz is actually being realized in people's homes.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
Linbrrok SIG SYSTEM(LSS( ? Or do you mean Linbrook Sig MONITOR(LSM).
Folks need to be more specific on Tyler's models, as it can get confusing.
I assume you mean the LSS. You can look at my review of the LSS back in Aug of this yr. The dual 8 inch bass are crossed very low, and produce a "soft" (not punchy/agressive) subtle bass. Now if its 25 hz or 30 hz I wouldn't know, didn't have a instrument to measure it. What i can tell you is the bass is very natural and intergrated very well with the dual 7 inch midbass at the xover.
I guess if you want even deeper bass, for lowest of hz's , go with the Woodmere's , with the dual 10 inch Excel/per cabinet.
With the LSS you will not need a sub woofer, if thats what you asking.
Hope that helps.
If you are indeed talking about the Linbrook Signature System, then the answer is a resounding "yes" at least in my home.
