New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
Hey Ozzy,

Apollo AV
208 West Chicago Rd. # 16
MI 49091 US
Tel No: (269) 503-0157
Gammajo, you mentioned that VR SR4 Mk11 is not much different from VR SR4 according to VS factory yet their website describe otherwise as stated below :
The resulting sonic improvements of the Mk2 design are not subtle and include the following benefits:

1. Greater clarity, transparency, and smoothness in the midrange from 100Hz to 4kHz.

2. More depth in the sound field, along with greater detail far back in the stage.

3. Seamless integration of the woofers, midrange, and tweeter units, comparable in coherency to Quad 989 electrostatic speakers.

4. Tighter bass response combined with sweeter treble.

5. Superior image focus, enabling you to almost reach out and touch the performer
Did u audition any VR4sr Mk11 and compare it to original version? Reason for asking is that I m contemplating upgrading to mk11 and where I come from I do not have the opportunity to audition it

Another question I wld like to ask owners of VR4sr is that did anyone of you replace the datalink? if yes what is the sonic improvement you hear and what did you replace it with? TQ
Audioblazer - Yes, there is definitely a difference in what I was told at the factory and the written description in terms of degree of performance improvement. I think that the marketing department got a hold of that one :). I am sure that there are improvements but the original Aerogel mid which was also used in the VR7 I believe is no slouch. I have not heard one speaker directly compared to the other but I would guess that the truth is somewhere in between and at this point spending the money elsewhere in your system might yeild more bang than doing the upgrade. That is what I have done - Changed out my preamp which I felt was the weakest part of my system for a Audio Horizons and loving it. Please let me know if you upgrade and the results, becuase I have had the same debate.
Gammajo, tq for responding. Maybe I should wait until I m more certain. As for VS marketing, I find it out that VR SR Mk 1 ebony veneer used to cost USD2k more than other veneer. However, for MK 11 model, all veneer is of the same price. It really make a sucker out of me for purchasing the ebony version which is the only 1 available by my dealer. Few months ago I got a blown woofer and it took me more than 3 mths to get the parts for repair. Bad experience. Despite, the bad experience abt their service, I do like the sound of the speaker especially the bass. By the way, did you replace the datalink?
Happy listening