New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
Hey Oz congrats! I hope and bet you love them, please keep us posted on your impressions.
Ozzy Congradulations. I hope you will be very happy with them and agree that you really can't tell till you get them home. They do take some time to break in, so be patient in your assessment. Please post your impressions. what finish did you order?
Thanks for the kind replys. I am kind of excited.
I am going to get the Cherry finish.
I hope the VR 4SR is an upgrade from what I am currently using (Legacy Focus).
They have been good , I have had them for a while and have been my only point of reference.
My dad has the Focus 20/20 and is thinking of upgrade, please let us know or email me when you get a firm impression, we are gonna demo the Vandy Quatro this weekend, loved the Vandy 5A and also he liked the Wilson Sophia...........but your opinion on going from Legacy would be very valubale.......................ENJOY!