New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
I just sent a copy of my last posting to Von Schweikert about there crappy Customer service.
Wonder if they will reply to my email?
There was a thread about service about 4 months ago. At that time I talked to them and they were very apologetic, promising that they were hiring some new service agents. In the past (as recently as a year ago) they were so small that Von or Jr himself handled almost all calls. Back in those good old days Von or son would talk to you for a hour at a time if that is what it took. Then they were overwhelmed with volume as they had some hits such as VR JR. I know they were trying to have thier dealers handle most inquires about set up etc. But they should have at least indicated that your email is being forwarded to your dealer so one would know if it even was recieved. For now I would use the quote "Never attribute to malace what you can account for by stupidity". And let them know. They really do seem sincere about making a good product and standing behind it. They have sent me stuff for free etc.
If customer service is entirely quantified by access... I'd say there is surely a great deal of room for improvment at VSA.

If however it is based upon what takes place upon contact with VSA, I'd have to admit still some room for improvement is needed. Efforts to contact them I have made go without resolution unless contact is positively made. At that point, they have been quite satisfactory. Such is my experience.

I've no crystal ball, but when businesses go strickly via the net, forcing the store fronts to withdraw as viable outlets for that product line due to the profit being cut severely by such a move, the 'face' of the company becomes veiled or hidden completely. Add to that now but a meager accessibility from those buying the goods, it does not bode well for the customer base... past, present or future.

The only reason I can see for taking such a path is to shoot for volume. I'd say some other cost cutting measures are involved, but I've no idea about the financial arrangements between VSA and the dealerships.

Customer service usually finds itself lacking woefully too. Customer service is paramount in web only based operations I would think. A solid pipeline for the customer has to be in place beforehand. After the fact is a bit telling of a move not completely well thought out.

All may be well yet. Maybe. if Albert, or anyone in this "cottage industry at it's finest....???" really wants to make money and increase it's market share, they need add their hads to financing. that's what made Sears, "SEARS". It sure wasn't their catalog... though it helped.

Dramatic moves in business stem from real or percieved as real, dramatic issues. Whatever the case actually is, obtaining an 'estranged' customer base is no positive benefit.

How good is a 10 year warranty if there is no one available to attend to service or support issues when they arise?

Keep trying to call. I've had success getting through in the mid to late afternoon (EST).... LEAST THEY COULD DO IS GET A 800 NUMBER.... and return calls. No one leaves a message asking for help or info just to waste time. I'd bet things will get better soon enough... or they'll go through some major restructureing.
Regarding VS service, I dealt with them on some service issues in Nov. and Dec. of last year and had absolutely no problems dealing with them. They were easy to reach via phone and fixed the non-warrenty repair as what I thought was a very resonable cost. Perhaps they lost some staffing in the last few months. The above comments posted by Blindjim and Ozzy do not reflect my experience dealing with VS.
I have good luck contacting them between the hours of 9:30 to 10:00 AM PST.I don't believe they are as busy in the early morning,give it a try.I've called back several times until someone answers,Albert gets inundated with calls all day long,but when contact is made they always have been most helpful.