New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
I've had success dealing with VSA, myself. I believe I did say as much... once contact was made. in fact in refference to ozzy's current issue with the threaded gromet in the base of the top module, one of my issues surrounding my JR's was similar. Though, nowhere near as severe as OZZY's issue. Mine was with a 'plinth'. No color matching problems there.

The previous owner may have tried moving them about after spiking them, I can't say for sure, but one of the bass modules self same 'threaded insert' twisted within the plinth enough to de-stablize the speaker itself.

Naturally I called in to obtain a replacement plinth. Simple. Defective material or workmanship most likely. Could happen to any speaker i suppose.

The initial resolution was for me to do a likewise "OZZY" repair by obtaining some materials from the hardware store too... removal and reinsertion with more adhesives.

Sorry, but no. Not gonna become a support tech for VSA, or anyone else for that matter. Not when the problem can be fixed as new by just providing a new OEM part (s). Perhaps it's a minor thing in all... but to me, having been BOTH a service tech and customer support manager previously, I've never attempted to enlist the aid of the owner to fix a mechanical or electrical problem while a unit is under warranty. Ever. It's simply not done. Well, I never did even think of it.

To VSA's good, I was sent a brandy new pair of plinths not long there afterwards, as I had no need for rush service and they didn't have any on hand right then either. soon as they had them, they shipped mine to me.

On other albeit minor items, the 'caps' for the locking nuts came off when I was tightening them by hand. Just popped free of the metal nut to which they were attached without undue pressure, IMO. Two of them. Sure. A minor deal. Still, an irritating affair which does in part point to the use of less than quality pieces being used in the construction... or the lack of a decent QA program.

Past those minor irritants, for quite some time I was having major issues with being able to properly set up the speakers. For about a year or so I called, emailed, and ultimately spoke with albert at length about the problem. he assured me nothing could be 'cross wired' in the upper module. I felt a tweeter was mis firing or out of phase, or something... or I was simply nuts. Albert did try to obtain for me some local service for them but ultimately he was dissatisfied with the level of the local service agency apparently and did not follow up on it with me.

Albert to his credit did tell me he would give me an RA so i could return them for service, but servicing them would likely be at least a month, perhaps more once they recieved them.

To make a long story more monotonous, a couple months ago I could no longer handle the intermittently errant sounding units and obtained an R.A.#.

I fashioned the box to secure both top mods and sent them to VSA for inspection and/or repair (s) a few days later. they got them in the day prior to thanksgiving.

Eventually they found one front tweeter to be bad. were simply going to replace it and send them back. hearing that resolution, I asked they replace it's twin as well so there would be some degree of uniformity with the changes being made. I also said I would pay for the second tweeter as only one was bad. i was told to call back. I did. Several times till I got through. this was mid Decenber.

I got through just before Xmas. they were not yet repaired and had now been there a month. OK. Fine. time was not the issue. Communication was, however.

At some point i was told ALL four tweeters were being replaced. Well, OK! Super. i dreaded the breakingg in period but believing all will be well soon, I had no problem there.

If it seems I'm taking VSA to task, think again. these are jus the main facts. As best I can relate them. Certainly I'm pleased with the outcome, as all is well now and 40% of the drivers have been replaced, according to VSA.

Standard service related follow upQuierries for quality assurance updates usually ask by degrees, just how satisfied are you with the level of the service you recieved?

Very? Somewhat? Not at all? Comnpletely disjointed by thw whole affair?

Right? Well there's the rub. I simply can not in complete honesty say I am 100% satisfied i was provided exemplary service on the whole.

I will also, in an effort to gain any reader of this a proper perspective here, say I am fairly critical of these aspects having been on both sides of this coin myself in past jobs.

I do in fact think VSA is doing it's best currently to accomodate it's buying public on every level. I just propose that their best can and should be better than its current state of affairs.

it's like this... you buy a new whatever... something goes wrong not long after and you call for service... can't get through... and then call repededly. You leave messages which are not replied to. Then finally you get through and their first solution is for you to fix it yourself.

Those are not the words I really ant to hear, personally.

That should NEVER be a 'first response' solution. it should a "last resort". Regardless. it is just not professional nor does it bolster my confidence in that company.

I also get 'it' that we are buying equipement from companies run by builders, designers, engineers, and geniuses in some cases, by and large. not businessmen.

that's as should be. to a point. A true major leaguer will provide more than product. true quality of any product, IMO, lies not in simple performance or grandiose assurances. real quality is the whole of the experience. it's the whole ball of wax for any serious buyer. performance, fit and finish, assurances, support, accessibility and availability. find any 'one' of those facets lacking and it is tainted. Find another, and its' fabric begins to unravel as it is seen for what it is.

it's also a simple matter to remedy. some focus, some money, some comittment, and some time is all that's necessary. I'm optimistic VSA will do the right thing by and for, it's customer base... not just by and for some press.

I hope so. I've not ruled them out for my next speaker upgrade yet... but if you think getting in touch with VSA is a bother... call B&W, and see how far you get. Hoo boy!
VS service standard? Took me more than 3 mths to get my replacement woofer drivers. How is that for service? Confidence abt future upgrade? pretty low unless I absolute low the product and I feel that I cant get a better speaker to be liking elsewhere
I am disappointed to read these poor customer service issues. I love my VR4 Gen III HSE loudspeakers, but I would not look forward to dealing with VSA for repairs.

Perhaps Albert should read this thread.

Tvad ...I agree. Though I can't help but think Mr. V is aware of the goings on with his service & Q.A. departments. I feel it's a people thing at VSA. A need for 'more' or more 'qualified' is simply evident.

VSA product performance is fine, but as I said and others pointed at as well, there's more to products than performace to cost ratios. Surely some reassessment (s) are needed, or needed to be put in force.
I've got about 100 hours on the speakers. So far the speakers sound like the "Cream".
Even though I have them out of phase,face to face with many blankets on top of them, I can tell they are sounding better.
I can hear the bass is going to be quite tuneful and the dynamics and treble sound like they will have the smack and shimmer I so like.
If only the cutomer service wasn't so "Crappy"