Sonus Faber Extremas ?

For owners or anyone who's heard them, what are some good choices for amplification?

Thanks all
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Check the thread Amplifier for Sonus Faber Extrema in the archives, that will give you a start.
a Krell ksa-250 was what i used at the time i had the Extremas and it gave them proper power and the chance to show they're musicality too...
you can find this amp from time to time on the 'Gon for a reasonable price
good luck!
still one of the the finest monitors ever made...lots of clean ss power...any hi end brand.
I drive my Extremas with the Gryphon Antileon Signature and they just sound incredible. I have also heard them with Pass Labs XA 160 and CJ Premier 8A and they also sound great as well. I think any high quality high current amp should be able to do the job.