Sonus Faber Extremas ?

For owners or anyone who's heard them, what are some good choices for amplification?

Thanks all
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Sirspeedy, I use my Townshends with Talon Hawks monitors (said to go to 40Khz flat) and they do indeed make a notable difference even here: set at 2 on their dial. I would suggest that you experiment with cables. I use the same cable as I use for my speakers and I think the synergy is increased. When I used the supplied copper cables there seemed to be a tonal imbalance with my silver core cabling. It seems more integrated now but I am still experimenting.
Hi I purchace one pair to Extremas, my power is Krell
KSA-300s its very, very powerfull & musical, for me is
the first posibility in amplification.Thanks
i would 2nd or 3rd the opinion of using Krell amplification with this speaker like the krell 250 or the krell ksa300s. These speakers love power.