Transparency: What speakers have it in spades?

When I got my Spendor SP3/1P speakers a few months ago, I discovered what transparency really meant. I've never been able to hear "through" any speakers like I can with these. True aural "Windex." I wouldn't mind having some of that crystal clarity in a speaker that goes a bit lower, offering more of a bass foundation for orchestral music. The larger Spendors are obvious choices.

But what speakers have you heard that have struck you as being particularly transparent? THANKS.
I am yet to hear a transparent speaker.They all have a sonic signature-even with very good stats you still hear the mylar.
Perhaps some full range ribbons come closest but transparency is never going to be possible when a fabric/material is being used to generate sound waves.

Maybe plasma speakers are transparent?
Wilson benesch ACT's. The carbon fiber cabinets "shake off" resonance as fast as electrostatics.
Since Sounds_real_audio is a dealer for Wilson Benesch, such comments should be taken in that context.
Apogee. Can't beat the ribbon for tranparency. There is a reason that a lot of dynamic speaker manufactures are using them now.