Von Schweikerts VR4 JR's and SR's?

I have the VR2's very nice sounding speaker but like everyone else we all look to upgrade. I love Von Schweikerts line of products personally. I've been looking at the VR4 jr's and the sr's besides the price difference which the juniors cost 5k and the sr cost 12k. To me both speakers look the same but sonically is there a REAL big difference?

For those that have owned the VR4's I would love to hear from and I am learning so please dont flame me on my questions.


You like myself really love the VSA line. I have the VR4jrs and continue to be amazed with them. Having had chance to listen to them and the Sr's I could not attest to a REAL big difference. For myself the 4jr's fit not just my budget better, but the intended room they would live in, so they were factors considered as well in my choice. For the additional cost I could better spend it elsewhere in my system, a subwoofer,(I don't use a sub with them or feel the need too.} big screen tv or whatever. Given your room size and wallet, certainly let your ears decide. My advice,if you can hear the difference, pay the diffierence. And always buy something you feel you can grow into. You will then keep it longer and be happier along the way. Let us know your choice. Glen

I have heard both the JR(mkI) and SR(mkI). They both are great speakers and one of the best in it's respective price class. In absolute and relative terms, to me, the SRs are better and they should be for the price difference. What's more important is your room. If your room is small to medium, you can get by and save money and buy the JRs. But if you have a bigger room like I do, I went with the SRs. But keep in mind, as you go up to the SRs, your equipment should follow up and be in-line too. You need a bigger more powerful amp that's for sure. I also felt that the front end (player and preamp) should step up too, to get the maximum potential of these speakers. But that is not a hard rule, but the amp piece must be mated accordingly. To get the SRs moving and sound correctly, do not put a low powered amp (especially driving the Bass module section). Anything less that 200 solid state watts will not sound that good. So definitely give the bass module a strong, powerful, refined amp as you can afford. If you get the JRs, you don't have get a too powerful amp as you would for the SRs. So it's not as simple as just buying a larger speaker, but the aftershocks that go along with it. Be prepared for the down stream affects(more money spent) when you go up to the larger SRs, so pick wisely.

Anyways, both speakers would sound great if mated with the right equipment and setup properly. You will be amazed of the 3D soundstage, precise imaging, true timber of instruments and voices, thunderous tight, deep,fast, defined bass, and great separation of the notes, but performs cohesively to convincing manner. Either one of these on the used market is a great buy especially the mark I versions, it's a steal IMO.

Member Ozzy has the SR'S and I could be wrong but I think he jumped up from the JR'S.
I've owned The VR2's,4jr's and 4sr's.The 2's are nice,the 4jr's are better and the sr's are in an entirely different ballpark.They are truly phenominal speakers and better their little brothers in terms of dynamics,soundstage,frequency extension,air,tonality and every other parameter I can think of!!! They are large speakers and sound OK in smaller rooms,but can dominate a small room visually.Like most other speakers they are at their best well out into the room and away from the side walls.If your room is large enough and your pockets are deep enough,buy the VR4 SR's!!!
I have actually owned the VR-2,4-JR, and now the 4-SR.

I agree with courtvision on most all points.

Room size and associated components are what you need to examine before you make a decision. Yes, the 4-SR is a superior product, but it is fairly large and heavy, and not something you will want to be moving or shipping anytime soon. I'm glad I'm satisfied with the sound, because I would need to get some serious help just to package them for sale.

The JR is an excellent choice if you like your current components, and don't see yourself upgrading to the next tier anytime soon. They can be played as close as 8 inches off the rear wall without bass bloat, so they're very versatile. Both models are extremely holographic.

If your room can handle a larger speaker, I would try to get a pair of used SRs, and save yourself some serious money - and you will have a speaker you should never have to be concerned with upgrading.