Von Schweikerts VR4 JR's and SR's?

I have the VR2's very nice sounding speaker but like everyone else we all look to upgrade. I love Von Schweikerts line of products personally. I've been looking at the VR4 jr's and the sr's besides the price difference which the juniors cost 5k and the sr cost 12k. To me both speakers look the same but sonically is there a REAL big difference?

For those that have owned the VR4's I would love to hear from and I am learning so please dont flame me on my questions.

I have actually owned the VR-2,4-JR, and now the 4-SR.

I agree with courtvision on most all points.

Room size and associated components are what you need to examine before you make a decision. Yes, the 4-SR is a superior product, but it is fairly large and heavy, and not something you will want to be moving or shipping anytime soon. I'm glad I'm satisfied with the sound, because I would need to get some serious help just to package them for sale.

The JR is an excellent choice if you like your current components, and don't see yourself upgrading to the next tier anytime soon. They can be played as close as 8 inches off the rear wall without bass bloat, so they're very versatile. Both models are extremely holographic.

If your room can handle a larger speaker, I would try to get a pair of used SRs, and save yourself some serious money - and you will have a speaker you should never have to be concerned with upgrading.
Chadnliz....Ozzy never owned the JR's. He went from Legacy Focus to the VR4SR MKII.
Skip both and go for used VR4 Gen III HSE...if you can get beyond their appearance. In their used price range of $2500-$3000 they are unbeatable.

Folks forget the VR4 Gen III HSE were Von Schweikert's reference speaker just a few years ago. The model sort of put VS on the map. They're a classic.
"If you can get beyond their appearance". LOL. My cats have been lobbying for these speakers ever since I put my Quad 63's away. :-)
"If you can get beyond their appearance". LOL. My cats have been lobbying for these speakers ever since I put my Quad 63's away. :-)
Newbee (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
I can fully understand that. Perhaps it's because we trained our cat years ago to use a scratching post, but she has never shown the slightest interest in the VR4 Gen III HSE.

I'm fortunate.