Need advice for full range speaker with bottom end


My current set up is Innersound Eros MKI with
Antique Sound Lab 1006 845 amp and cary slp98 pre. Altogether a pretty satisfying setup for beautify mids and highs.

I do notice and miss the bottom end on some music. So I'm interested in setting up a second system with some of the other parts I've already have lying around. I have a pair of Nuforce 8's and a Benchmark Dac. Given the Benchmark has volume control, I figure I can skip the preamp and go with just adding a pair of speakers. I will source this system with my computer and the Squeezbox 3 to the DAC.

I'm hoping to find a pair of full range speaker that can give me what I'm missing and still resemble some of the mids and highs I get out of my innersound panels.

My hope is to keep things sane within the $2-4K range...hopefully closer to 2k than 4K. I plan to be buying use to keep cost down.

Anyone know of some good bargins for full range speakers that can hit close to 20hz?


i would recommend used hales, b&w matrix, dunlavy, duntech, ohm, etc for great full range speakers at close to 2k. the more power the better, and the bigger model, the better.
Let me chime in as I have a pair of Innersound Eros MKII
and went with a new speaker for both bass and wider sweetspot. I went with VMPS and I feel they capture a good part of the Innsersound magic but blow them away in the bass department, I own the FF3 SRE, and I still Bi-Amp just as I did with Innersound using VMPS cross-over.
Not that you will like them but my dad owned Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers and they have pretty good bass, some love em' some dont.
To ask Tvad a quick question, have you ever heard a Von 4jr go down to 16hz? or should I say felt?
To ask Tvad a quick question, have you ever heard a Von 4jr go down to 16hz? or should I say felt?
VR4 Jr, no. They are not rated to 16Hz.

My recommendation was for the VR4 Gen III HSE, which are rated to 16Hz, and yes I have measured them with an SPL meter to below 20Hz using the Stereophile Test CD.
couple of nice B&w 801 matrix series on Audiogon now..Right in your price range.Plenty of low end and the rest to go with it!
I agree with Tvad on the VR4 GenIII. Mine are the regular gen IIIs and I'm quite happy with them. You can probably save ~$600-1000 on the Non-HSE models. There is a pair listed on A'gon right now for $2200.

My other system uses Totem Mani-2s with a Rel Storm III subwoofer. A whole 'nother way to approach the problem.