Need advice for full range speaker with bottom end


My current set up is Innersound Eros MKI with
Antique Sound Lab 1006 845 amp and cary slp98 pre. Altogether a pretty satisfying setup for beautify mids and highs.

I do notice and miss the bottom end on some music. So I'm interested in setting up a second system with some of the other parts I've already have lying around. I have a pair of Nuforce 8's and a Benchmark Dac. Given the Benchmark has volume control, I figure I can skip the preamp and go with just adding a pair of speakers. I will source this system with my computer and the Squeezbox 3 to the DAC.

I'm hoping to find a pair of full range speaker that can give me what I'm missing and still resemble some of the mids and highs I get out of my innersound panels.

My hope is to keep things sane within the $2-4K range...hopefully closer to 2k than 4K. I plan to be buying use to keep cost down.

Anyone know of some good bargins for full range speakers that can hit close to 20hz?


Unless you listen at low volume, I'm dubious of your 25 SET's ability to drive the midrange and tweeter section of the VR4 Jr since the Jr speakers have a 4 ohm impedance from 150Hz - 20Hz.

If you can, I'd suggest taking your amp to a local VS dealer and listening to the combination before you buy. Otherwise, buy used VR4 Jr so you don't take a beating if you decide to sell.

I appreciate your advice on checking out the 25w Set amp. I am questionable on that too. Although, one VS dealer demo the vr4 jr with a 30wpc Thor tube amp.

I am looking at the VMP RM40 and the VR4 Jr on Audiogon at this point. It's a tough choice and I don't feel there's really a bad decision I can make at this point. Both have really won a following... Although, the RM40 seems to have more to offer, but it's going to be about $1000 more.


03-06-07: Geraldedison

I appreciate your advice on checking out the 25w Set amp. I am questionable on that too. Although, one VS dealer demo the vr4 jr with a 30wpc Thor tube amp.
The 30w Thor is a push-pull ultralinear design. Significant difference between push-pull and SET. I can understand how the Thor would work on the VR4 Jr.

If that dealer is close, take your SET amp in and give it a try.
I auditioned the VR4jr and it is a great speaker but I went with VMPS, if shipping and price is a real issue then I suppose you will want to choose the Von, but both shipping and price are one time concerns so I would consider the long term nature of this investment and not a temporary issue stop you from what just may be the more desired speaker. Just my humble opinion
might be too late on this but :) ... with that amp it sounds like a stretch for big 'lower' eff. spkrs. i'd look into some nice eff. monitors and a good powered sub. opens up a lot of options for great monitors and for $ a powered sub is a great way to get real deep and adjust for room and spkr conditions. w/out knowing room size and spl desired i'm only guessing, but ability to tame deep bass is very helpful in certain room setups. lotta purists don't go for subs but i think they are a great addition for many tube lovers. enjoy the hunt!