Blue Ridge Sound Engineering Speakers ???

Has anyone heard these speakers yet?
I congratulate this company for trying to bring a full range speaker to market for such a reasonable price. Unfortunately, I completely disagree with Blue Ridge's assessment where they state that their reference Allison IC-20 speakers are "Widely considered to be one of the finest, if not the finest sounding loudspeakers ever produced". Now I do know that old school reviewers like Julian Hirsch and the likes (from the days of High Fidelity and Stereo Review) were fond of these. But those same reviewers told us that all amplifiers sound the same whenever they have the same frequency response measurement (ARGH, Wrong!). IMHO Allisons are not in the same camp as the myriad of recent generation “Uber speakers” made in more recent decades. It will be very interesting to see how the Blue Ridge's offering actually stack up against some "real" audiophile speakers.
Is there a connection between Carl and Hifisoundguy?

Hifisoundguy has posted the exact same question, word for word or almost word for word, on four other boards, along with a link to the company website.

He then follows up with a post saying that he has found more about the speakers, along with a link to a discussion on Steve Hoffman's forum.

Finally he posts a notice of an upcoming review in Tone Audio online magazine.

I'm seeing a pattern. It looks to me like Hifisoundguy is posing as an interested potential customer in order to promote Carl's product. So far, not once has he engaged in a discussion with anyone responding to his threads.

It walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.


ps - those are not actually the same link over and over; it just looks like it.
No, I'm not connected with this company in any way. I found out about the review when I did a google search, it was on the Steve Hoffman forum. I'm just trying to find out more on these speakers, if anyone had them and what they had to say about them....
Duke: The third link you posted is especially curious. How would anyone other than the manufacturer and perhaps their dealers (but BRSE only sells direct, eliminating that possibility) know of a review yet to be published?

Yup, it looks like a duck.

I think you are absolutely right. I thought the same thing, but didn't think my post would see the light of day.
