Break in period

What would the forum say about how long or how many hours of play time needs to occur before you can establish that your new loudspeakers are playing at optimum performance? I've heard opinions on this all over the scale!! Does this depend on the type and brand of loudspeaker, material of drivers, power being driven, etc? Can we agree on a nominal time period? I realize it may also depend on how loud you play them as well. Any thoughts? Many thanks.
>or better "the myth" of the "break in period<

I assure the break-in is not a myth. And if you had a system capable of resolivng it, you would find that most componenets benefit from this "myth".

Grab yourself a pair (maybe not all brands) of the various single driver speakers on the market and spend some time with them and then tell us break-in is a myth. I have heard some changes in sound that had me downright scratching my head from day to day. From sounding like a cheap transistor radio to an open window to the music. From screeching shrill highs to almost no bass response, to a closed in soundstage to shunted dynamics and so on. It is one wild ride that anyone who's experienced dreads every going through more than once. I would swear my system was broken, it sounded so bad, had me checking every cable, tube, cord etc...trying to find an answer.
No, no, no. I've heard that business about "getting adjusted to the sound," and it's nonsense

well, I'm glad your opinion is fact.

A quick question. Do you assume that manufacturers only use new component parts when they make their prototypes and that their designs are only to be heard with new parts. I think it is reasonable to assume they do not, and that your product's critical parts age to approximate those of the manufacturers prototype.

Or are you saying that parts aging never changes the components contribution to the sound?

BTW, how do you define 'significant'.

Lastly how did you determine the appropriate length of time for the breakin to occur. It seems to me that listening skills/experience/interest are more determinative of the length of the break in period than anything else.

For other naysayers......

Everything is new, degrades and dies. Changes occur. Those are immutable 'facts'.

Why do I seem to note that when believers post they always post regarding the equipment that they observed the break in occur. Conversely, the nay sayers NEVER give any specificity to support thier positions. I would like them to tell us:
1) What credentials do you hold
2) What experience do you have
3) What have you actually listened to
4) Under what circumstances did you listen to the equipment that caused you to form your opinion.

Tell us poor believers what causes you all to want to deprive us of out poor beliefs. Absent 'facts' to support your beliefs that is!

Let us hear from you, but no more one liners please.
S7Horton, next time how about printing my whole sentence, not just the part you think you can nail as not factual?