Where should I spend my $2000?

I've been struggling about where to spend the money I have allocated for my system. Common sense tells me to get different, new or used, speakers, but I've been thinking about replacing my PrimaLuna Prologue One with a Rogue Cronus standard or Magnum. As an alternative, I was thinking of grabbing a Rogue Metis preamp so that I can use my Rotel RB 976-MKII for 150 wpc in bridged mode...and for the phono section in the Metis. I realize that probably won't make a big difference in sound quality, but I'm looking for any advice that might help me narrow the field, so to speak.

Honestly, I'm pretty happy with how everything sounds now, but I know, from what I've actually heard, that I have a long way to go. I'm using the Oppo in bypass mode so I need to adjust the volume manually. A volume remote would be nice...also a reason for looking at the Rogue pre and integrated. Yes, I've also thought about getting the Rogue Atlas and using the HA-1 as a pre with volume control. That's definitely an option.

Here's what I have hooked up now:

Sony DVP-S7700 > Oppo HA-1 > Primaluna Prologue One > Def Tech BP8B

I also have a Simaudio 100D DAC that I just picked up and the previously mentioned Rotel. I have a 480 sq ft space with 10' ceilings and concrete floors. Also there's a 10'x10' window wall that's normally covered with heavy curtains. My cables are Kimber PBJ and AQ Forest with big, but probably crappy, Monster Z series speaker cables. I also have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon with an ART Audio phono pre that I use sparingly. I mostly listen to digital but I do like to spin records now and then. Guess I should mention that I have tried my Usher S-520s with the PrimaLuna and Rotel (Rotel through the HA-1) but they don't have enough low frequency for my taste. They sounded better with the PrimaLuna - just seemed to have a bit more impact/heft in the mid-bass. Jazz and vocals sound good with the Ushers but the Def Techs do a better job when I get the volume turning. With the volume at 9 o'clock on the PrimaLuna, it fills the space pretty well with the Def Techs.

So, if you had $2000 burning a hole in your pocket, where would you spend it? If your advice is to just keep what I have, that's great too.

Thanks in advance for your time.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I'm definitely "all over the place." I've auditioned a few pairs of speakers in the last few months; however, I wasn't serious enough to ask for an in-home demo... Sonus Faber Venere 1.5, KEF LS50 and Q700. To me, they sounded great with hi-end sources and amplification. I was able to hear the KEFs with modest amplification and I liked them both. Tough choice between the two KEFs for me... Though hard not to be biased with all the glowing reviews for the LS50, I think my preference was for the increased low end of the 700s.

I'm going to listen to the Sonus Fabers again this weekend. The dealer also has Dynaudio. I've checked out the Golden Ears online but have never heard them.

Thanks for the advice so far.
[quote]So, if you had $2000 burning a hole in your pocket, where would you spend it? If your advice is to just keep what I have, that's great too.

I'd go to Vegas.
" Tough choice between the two KEFs for me... Though hard not to be biased with all the glowing reviews for the LS50, I think my preference was for the increased low end of the 700s."

Make a list of qualities that are important to you and go listen to them again. Bring some music that you know well. When listening, concentrate on just one of the items on your list at a time. Focusing on individual areas will be a big help in figuring out what is going on. When done, consider the results that you come up with from your listening, and go with them over the reviews. If you're not sure you really like the speaker, don't buy it. Also, if you feel frustrated or negative in any way, when you are trying to make a decision, don't buy anything. Sometimes people, especially when they are fairly new to audio, may get frustrated, nervous, uneasy, or whatever... That usually means that you're hearing something that you don't like, but don't have knowledge and/or listening experience to put your finger on what the problem is. If this happens, trust your instincts and hold off.