Dynaudio C4 vs Von Schweikert VR5SE Have to travel

I am looking for a new speaker set up for hi fi and 2 channel and would like to hear from people familiar with these two choices for the following reasons:
The Dynaudio dealer in Ohio near me only had the C2 speakers to audition which are just great on mids and highs for my taste. They never got bright or painfull at high volume and female vocals and awsome brass sounded as smooth as silk. My problem came in at the bass side which bottomed out the driver during the audition. It was quick and tight but fell shy. The store told me the C4 would be a great improvement in bass. I then have read a bunch of great reviews on the vr5se Vons but have to travel far to hear them. (Today I contacted them to find the nearest dealer and will travel if needed.) I will not buy speakers un-auditioned but am curious if any one has heard both of these speaker choices. My final thought was even thinking of the Dynaudio Evidence Temtation (used of course in this price range). I am slightly concerned abount used gear like speakers, but if the warranty could be tranfered would make me feel better.
Thanks for your input.
A Dynaudio dealer here. The C2 is an amazing speaker, but it does have it's limitations. I love it's detail and presence, but the C4 builds upon what the C2 does so well and adds the low end.

As for the Temptations, this is the best speaker I've ever heard period! I was recently reminded of this just last week as I had a high end customer purchase these mated with the Krell EVO's. Simply amazing clarity and low end. My customer was so blown away I must have received dozens of emails and phone calls from him since the install last week.

As for the packaging of the Temptations? They are bomb proof!!!! It would be nearly impossible to damage these unless someone handled these very carelessly. These will come in three boxes weighing in at over 800 pounds total weight. My back is still sore.

Not a fan of VS and that's all I have to say.
4 pairs of temptations for sale on here now. Seems like alot for a relatively rare speaker. Times must be tough.
I think times are tough for some. Lot's of people have been downsizing homes lately. I think the low interest adjustable mortgage rates are biting people in the rear. People were crazy for buying into those unless they were buying investment properties. My father-in-law is a realtor in Phoenix and he's heard his share of crying stories.

Back on topic......You need space for the Temptations. I've seen a few ads here on Audiogon with pics. I'm amazed at the cramped spaces some of these people are stuffing the Temptations into.
That's why I bought Temptations instead of a house!

A couple of things: 1. The Dali Megalines are the best speaker I have ever heard(and I own the Temptations).
2. I don't have a huge room but my Temptations sound great.
3. I had a pair of C4's and I felt there was a night and day difference between the C4's and C2's(not just in the lower registers)
Don't know much on the C4's, but I owned the Temptations for two years and now own the VonSchweikert VR5's.First off they are both great speakers but in my room which is rather on the small side I prefer the V's. You are doing the right thing by auditioning, room size and Eq. should have a lot to do with your choice.