Cost no Object but Small Room

What speakers would you recommend without consideration of value (well forget the US$100 thou plus monsters!) for smallish room?

I am moving places and it looks my dedicated 2 channel system will have to go the study. Room size is only 11 ft x 17ft, barely. However all there is the room is basically the system and a desk/chair.

I listen to all kinds of music but mostly jazz (including fusion), rock, pop, blues.
Thanks Mike...I do like my speakers though with development of new tweeters incl Kharma's own diamond, I am intrigued. But the basic sound, definitely yes. I probably will first try my existing speakers but wonder if they will over power the room. After speaker set up and chair we are talking about say 10-12 ft btwn the two positions. I was thinking of the Mini Exquisites, Coltranes (same accuton driver+ diamond tweeter approach) or the Magico Minis....all with possibly a subwoofer though that would over power the room as well
I think Wilson Benesch speakers sound great and work well in small or larger rooms. I would look at the ARC or Discovery. Both are ported on the bottom making them work in a boundary situations. In your room I would consider putting them on the long wall giving you space on the sides.
i don't know if $9500 meets your definition of "cost no object," but for that you can own the most magical sounding speakers i have ever heard: the Auditorium 23 Solovox. Based on what you have said are your musical tastes, I highly recommend that you give these a listen. Look for links to reviews on tone imports website. i just ordered a pair to replace my Avantgarde Duo's.
How about something from verity. I have some fidelio encores and they are the best i have had in my small room and could be moved to a larger space in the future. They have a look and feel of the best and incredible natural sound that is very unfatiguing.
If you can, try to audition Verity speakers. They are really special with darTZeel amplification, and all but the largest models work great in smaller rooms.

Coltrane is a great speaker too, but it's not for everybody.

You might want to listen to the YG speaker too, the Anat Reference on stands (without the large bass module). Fantastic speaker, and I think that could work fine in your room.

And of course, don't overlook MBL 121. :)