Cost no Object but Small Room

What speakers would you recommend without consideration of value (well forget the US$100 thou plus monsters!) for smallish room?

I am moving places and it looks my dedicated 2 channel system will have to go the study. Room size is only 11 ft x 17ft, barely. However all there is the room is basically the system and a desk/chair.

I listen to all kinds of music but mostly jazz (including fusion), rock, pop, blues.
That was probably the "entry level" Metronome CD3-Signature - same model Steve Hoffman uses and says it's the best 1-box player he has ever heard. Thanks for your nice compliment.

Not familar with the solid state amp/preamp but you're right - the CD3 is accurate & musical. You would be knocked out by the Kalista transport & C2A tube DAC.

More Met info at

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
I remember starting out down the path of a serious CD player, Metronome was always at the top of my short list, but at the time, no one in my area even heard of it.

I have to remained focused here, speakers in small rooms is what I'm really curious about.

Although, I'm sure I'll have to go back to hear the Kallista rig some time...:)

Have you thought about making or having a speaker built for you upon specifications?

I'm toying around with an idea of having a Jensen Onken cabinet built, where I could try several 15 to 16" coaxials a try. A vintage approach you might call it.
James, no I have not. Too scared to do that. Too uncertain, don;t know whom to go to, and resale value would be circumspect I would imagine.
I remember seeing some of Alon Wolf's designs sold on here several years ago. I wondered who he was, and now he has the hottest speaker on the market...funny how things turn out.