Cost no Object but Small Room

What speakers would you recommend without consideration of value (well forget the US$100 thou plus monsters!) for smallish room?

I am moving places and it looks my dedicated 2 channel system will have to go the study. Room size is only 11 ft x 17ft, barely. However all there is the room is basically the system and a desk/chair.

I listen to all kinds of music but mostly jazz (including fusion), rock, pop, blues.
Thanks to all. Forgot to mention I listen to a wide variety, rock, all jazz including fusion, blues, and bit of classical. Volume wise, quiet but enuff to fill the room, to loud but never ear splitting, rock concert levels.

Wslam: thans for the offer and will definitely will follow up w/ u.

OverKill: thanks for taking the time...
1. re cross overs, digital cross over if I am not mistaken takes place only in the PCM domain? If DSD, doesn't it lead to conversion to first PCM? If so, then I am a bit hesitant as my front end converts the other way and going
back & forth is something to avoid.
2. Cant pull out by 3 m unfortunatelyas if I did then distance to the listening postion would be about 5.5 feet..
3. DIY: I can see that, but not for me.

Audiokinesis: agree, that was what i feared and found logical, ...thus Mbls are probably out.

Do have headphone amp/USB DAC benchmark connected to my PC, and I use it when its very late at nght and I do not want to disturb others, via AKG 701s. By the way, a small system consisting of the the above sans the PC but instead the MSB modified IPOD which outputs digitally. This is a very portable at least in terms within the house (perhaps a bit too much for travel though) with suprisingly good sound.
Definitely check out the Dynaudio Confidence C1 and its kin. They sounded incredible at HE2007. If they sound that great in a hotel room, I bet they sound even better in a home environment. The only thing I thought sounded better was the Wilson W/P 8.

Good luck.
In my opinion a small room calls for speakers with a well-controlled radiation pattern and/or smooth power response, as inevitably the bulk of the reverberant energy will arrive earlier than in a larger room.

ATC SCM 20's are quite nice in that sized envornment but so are many other good near fields. The Confidence C1 was another good suggestion. (If you like a dynamic sound)
From what I heard at HE-2997,the Dynaudio C-1's were way more than just dynamic.
From what I heard at HE-2997,the Dynaudio C-1's were way more than just dynamic.

You are from the future?!? Who sent you? Who sent you! What do you want with us!?!