How to audition used speakers???

I'm looking for some nice used speakers for a second, very modest system. I'm looking, almost entirely, at used speakers, especially Spicas. I've bought equipment on Audiogon, but as far as speakers, I'm hesitant. How can I audition speakers that I want to buy used via eBay or Audiogon? Isn't buying speakers this way as good as rolling a die? I'm interested in these Spicas, but I've never heard them! Anyone have a pair that lives close to me (06830)?

Incidentally, what are good "classic" speakers?
One advantage of buying used is you can audition them in your home indefinitely (which IMO is the only legitimate audition), and if you decide you don't like them, just resell them and recoupe most/all of your investment. This is a little more difficult and risky with speakers that are large and hard to ship, so you need to be careful.

You should do your research so you're comfortable there's a hi likelihood that they will suit your room size, musical preferences, and will be compatible with other system components, etc. I would also try to locate speakers in closer proximity to home, so you can avoid shipping, or make sure the distance is short and cost is lower. If you find a local seller, they may also afford you an oppty to audition them in their home prior to purchase. Also, the archives contain many, many "speaker recommendation" threads that should be helpful if you search.

As for good classic speakers, I think there are many, many. I'm not familiar with Spikas but see mention of them often here. You may want to spell out more of your parameters (ie budget, room size, musical preferences, and will be compatible with other system components, etc.) here to entice recommendations.

I would suggest you check out the "Audio Clubs" forum here at AudiogoN. There is a listing for The Connecticut Audio Society. There may be some folks near you that would enjoy demo'ing their systems to you so you can develop a point of reference regarding other speakers.

Also, Bdgregory's advice is good (as usual). Decide what speakers interest you, determine the current going price (as best possible) and buy a pair when you find them at/below your target price. Be sure the speakers are packaged appropriately and are in excellent condition as a provision of the purchase. If you love them, great! If not, re-sell them with little or no loss as you did your homework when you purchased them and subsequesntly didn't overpay. Proper packaging and overall condition is absolutely critical if you plan to buy and re-sell as a means of auditioning speakers.

BTW, I've always been curious about Spica speakers, but I've never heard them. I think the TC-50 and TC-60 models are bass challenged and would require a subwoofer in the opinion of many people. However they are said to be imaging champions if that is what you desire. The Spica Angelis apparently has similar imaging attributes with better bass extension.

Also, I agree with Bd that providing budget, room size, music preferences and desired sonic qualities, will help folks recommend appropriate speakers to you.


buying used speakers is where feedback rating is especially important. you need to really trust the seller when getting answers about age and how much use the speakers have had, etc. on the other hand, if they're lightly used, you save yourself the break-in period (and some money too...)
IMHO, get something that is currently supported so that you can repair it, if necessary. Speakers are quite easily damaged when overdriven/clipped amp.