How to audition used speakers???

I'm looking for some nice used speakers for a second, very modest system. I'm looking, almost entirely, at used speakers, especially Spicas. I've bought equipment on Audiogon, but as far as speakers, I'm hesitant. How can I audition speakers that I want to buy used via eBay or Audiogon? Isn't buying speakers this way as good as rolling a die? I'm interested in these Spicas, but I've never heard them! Anyone have a pair that lives close to me (06830)?

Incidentally, what are good "classic" speakers?
My humble advise is to never buy speakers without hearing them driven by the power amps one intends to drive them with ultimately (period). And in the same room you plan to put them in, if possible.

Yes, I know this is more difficult and sucks but, not as difficult and sucks less than repeatedly being disappointed and continually flipping gear that doesn't have synergy yet, everyone agrees is (individually) a very cool piece of gear.

This is experience speaking and you probably will not know the difference unless you try working out your system in this way. LOL

Happy Listening!
Great posts and great points! Honest1, I think you're totally right; I was worried that Spicas wouldn't fare well only being driven by 40 watts. In a dormroom, I think that abuse could be possible. For those of you skeptical about putting ANY system in a dormroom, this is just a clever way for me to reuse some gear. I'd rather spend $250 for some speakers and reuse this receiver than spend $100 for some crappy computer speakers that I'll hate.

What do you all think of Magnepan, Paradigm, and Axiom?
The Magnepan QR speakers (I forget the exact model, they were in the $1600 - $1800 range, I think) were great speakers, if you can get them to work with your room. I had a pair on home trial for a bit, and found them to be very detailed and musical. The bass was problmeatic in my room, htough. While there was a lot of bass sound present, it seemed like some bass notes disappeared (I believe this is called a comb filtering effect). The deal-breaker for me was when I mistook the opening basses of a particular track for violins. At first I thought the Magnepans were so good because I had never heard the very quiet violins that opened the track. When I played it again on my other speakers, I realized they weren't really violins. This more than any other speaker I have heard, needs to be auditioned in the final room before buying. Or, buy at a price you cn sell them at later if they don't work out in your room.
By the way, putting the dorm room consideration aside for a moment, 40 watts can be a lot of power. I have a Threshold T-200 amp, runs in Class A mode vs. push pull, that puts out 100WRMS and can drive just about anything within reason. I also have an Audion PX25, single ended tube amplifier that works its magic on 8 WRMS...and that tube amp would rock your dorm room. Audiogon is a good place for you to benefit by everyone's experience...keep an open mind to what can be accomplished...and since you are in a dorm room, go to Home Depot and purchase a Belkin AV Master power conditioner/surge protector for 75 bucks...I am using one with my Naim CDX...amazing product. And to isolate your CD player, to to your local Ace Hardware and purchase a set of four MACK lavatory gaskets, model 45381, for a couple of bucks each. Insert the rubber feet of your CD player inside the hole of the gasket...another amazing bit of isolation for a man on a budget who likes to spend spare change on pizza and beer.

Enjoy college...time of your life...and enjoy the music!