Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic

Something I've been interested in: could you shed some light on the pros and cons, as well as technical info, of different types of speakers? These are the kinds I know about, are there others?

Electrostatic (????)

Line arrays affect sound dispersion patterns. They roll off less at distance and have less side radiation so that side wall reflections aren't as critical. In fact, any driver that is larger than the soundwave it's producing has the same effect. So, planars can be similar to line arrays in that way.

Line arrays are usually dynamic, efficient and spreading the load between drivers increases power handling. The downside is a chorus of drivers and the cost, paticularly done well. A dozen 4" drivers does not quite match a single 12' driver's characteristics and vice versa.

Acoustic suspension (sealed) and bass reflex (ported) both have their pro's and cons. Bass reflex is more efficient but more likely to have a resonant frequency. Should I mention transmission line?

Check it out, I managed to get through that without saying "better". I'm so PC.
Come on give up on the honking horns the only horn I heard honk was a Ford model a car horn. Even my 1896 edison doesnt honk....Horns can offer wonderful performance surpasing any other design type in my opinion.Ribbons can now be hi-eff many new improved ribbons I havent had much trouble with relability and if fail most can be cheaply repaired unlike most dynamic hifrequincy drivers ribbons are fast detailed a over all quality transducer if built right lots of cheap ones about need to spend a bit to get good ribbons.Planar can be interesting but might as well go ribbon or electrostatic.Electrostatics are fast detailed can produce large soundstage but can have limited dynamic range unless massive costly and drivin by powerful amps.Dynamic drivers are all over the place medium eff -low eff cheap- costly what have you dynamics are in most systems many ribbon systems use dynamic woofers as do horn electroststics etc. Good loudspeakers can be built with any of these designs but for me large horn systems sound the most real true to source and musical.But with all things audio YMMV except with horns honking heck its a loudspeaker not a goose...
Johnk:....Horns can offer wonderful performance surpasing any other design type in my opinion.

Would you feel this way about reproducing specifically strings and piano music as well? Thanks.
Yes, Aktchi, modern properly designed & set up horns can have superb tonal & timbral accuracy - to my ears, everything sounds more real and present than speakers using cones & domes, 'stats, etc.
99.9% of ALL prerecorded music was(and is)made to sound like....prerecorded music. it was never even intended to emulate 'live' music. the horn vs driver vs planar arguments are this hobby's version of 'spock vs kirk vs bones'....sad but true......just don't operate heavy machinery or drive after listening to any 'one' cd on 70 different speakers.