Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic

Something I've been interested in: could you shed some light on the pros and cons, as well as technical info, of different types of speakers? These are the kinds I know about, are there others?

Electrostatic (????)

99.9% of ALL prerecorded music was(and is)made to sound like....prerecorded music. it was never even intended to emulate 'live' music. the horn vs driver vs planar arguments are this hobby's version of 'spock vs kirk vs bones'....sad but true......just don't operate heavy machinery or drive after listening to any 'one' cd on 70 different speakers.
Jaybo, who ever told you that ALL prerecorded music was(and is) made to sound like... prerecorded music and was never intended to emulate live music?

Please be specific and provide references.
Damn it Jaybo, we're only audiogoners here not trekkies! We go where no audiophile has gone before. Horns and planars just do not compare to warp drivers!
no engineer or producer, other than one for audiophile label, ever thought about anything except making a record 'feel' like a hit!(no matter what the catagory) the 'feel' or 'mood' is the thing.....on a car radio, your computer, or home stereo. its no more a substitute for a live event than a magazine is for sex.....no one ever filmed a 'musical' with the goal of emulating the experience of live theater......its a completely different thing.